RPS: range-based path selection method for concurrent multipath transfer
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- 所属单位:清华大学
- 发表刊物:IWCMC '10: Proceedings of the 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
- 关键字:range-based, path selection, receive buffer, CMT, multipath, transport layer
- 合写作者:Hewu Li, Fenghua Li, Qian Wu, and Jianping Wu
- 第一作者:Wang Yang*
- 论文类型:会议论文
- 文献类型:C
- 卷号:2010
- 页面范围:944–948
- ISSN号:978-1-4503-0062-9
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2010-06-01
- 收录刊物:SCI