
Selective Recovery of Lithium from Spent Lithium-ion Batteries


  • Release time:2022-12-10

  • DOI number:10.7536/PC220727

  • Journal:Progress in Chemistry

  • Abstract:The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) has resulted in a proliferating demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The continuous growth in the EV industry results in a colossal number of LIBs being discarded after reaching their end-of-life. Researchers have carried out numerous investigations on the extraction of valuable metals from spent LIBs. The recycling processes have mainly been concerned with the recovery of the valuable metals of cobalt and nickel, with less attention being placed on lithium recovery. With the imbalance of the supply and demand of lithium resources, research on selective recovery of lithium from spent LIBs has increased in recent years. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the high-temperature selective conversion, selective leaching, mechanical and electrochemical recycling methods that facilitate selective lithium recovery. It provides recommendations for future research and development to enhance the selective extraction of lithium from spent LIBs.

  • Indexed by:Journal paper

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Included Journals:SCI

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