Affilication of Author(s):中南大学
Disigner of the Invention:湛利华 刘桂铭 陈效平 李自强 蒋成标 贺佳阳 吴欣桐 康旭辉 常腾飞
Type of Patent:Invent
State of Patent:Authorized patents
Authorization number:ZL201710214268.9
Service Invention or Not:no
First Author:湛利华
Affilication of Author(s):中南大学
Disigner of the Invention:湛利华 刘桂铭 陈效平 李自强 蒋成标 贺佳阳 吴欣桐 康旭辉 常腾飞
Type of Patent:Invent
State of Patent:Authorized patents
Authorization number:ZL201710214268.9
Service Invention or Not:no
First Author:湛利华