[21]Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)., Li Liang, Deng Dong-ping.Limit equilibrium analysis for rock slope stability using basic Hoek–Brown strength criterion[J].Journal of Central South University, 24 (9) : 2154-2163.
[22]Zhang S, Zhang Ze-hai, Ning Peng-fei, Shen Zhi-qiang, Li Liang, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, Cheng Pan.Water inflow forecasting for tunnel considering nonlinear variation of permeability coefficient[J].Journal of Central South University, 24 (7) : 1612-1618.
[23]et al., Huang Fu, Yang XinPing, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒).Variational analysis of the ultimate pullout capacity of shallow circular anchor plates in rock foundations based on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion[J].International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining
[24]Tan Yi-gao., Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, Zheng Xiangcou, Yang Feng.Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Strip Footing Placed on Sand with a Rigid Basement[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 77: 115-119.
[25]et al., Nie Zhihong, Tang Yi-Gao, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒).Variation Analysis of Ultimate Pullout Capacity of Shallow Horizontal Strip Anchor Plate with 2-layer Overlying Soil Based on Nonlinear M-C Failure Criterion[J].Journal of Central South University
[26]LI Liang., LIN Yu-Liang*, Zuo Shi, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)**.System reliability analysis for plane slide rock slope with Barton-Bandis failure criterion[J].International journal of rock mechanics and mining, 88: 1–11.
[27]Qiu Ming-ming., Shen Quan, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)**, Yang Xiao, Yang Guo-lin, Lin Yu-liang*.Response of gravity retaining wall with anchoring frame beam supporting a steep rock slope subjected to earthquake loading[J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92: 633-649.
[28]Yao Hui., Dan Han-cheng, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, LI Liang, Chen Jia-qi.Solution of pavement temperature field in the "Environment-Surface" system through Greens function[J].Journal of Central South University of Technology
[29]YANG Feng., Li Liang, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, Tang Gaopeng.Stability charts of slopes under typical conditions developed by upper bound limit analysis[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 65: 233-240.
[30]Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)., Li Liang, Deng Dong-ping.LEM of slope stability and calculation of comprehensive factor of safety with double strength-reduction technique[J].Journal of Mountain Science, 14: 1-14.
[31]Li L., Zhao L.H. (赵炼恒), Deng D.P..Limit equilibrium stability analysis of slopes under external loads[J].Journal of Central South University, 23 (9) : 2382?2396.
[32]Shi Zuo., Liang Li, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, Tang Gaopeng.Stability design charts for homogeneous slope under typical conditions based on double shear strength reduction technique[J].Arabian Journal of Geosciences
[33]TAN Han-hua., CHEN Jing-yu, Li Liang, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒)*, Tang Gaopeng.Combined influence of nonlinearity and dilation on slope stability evaluated by upper-bound limit analysis[J].Journal of Central South University, 24 (7) : 1602?1611.
[34]李亮, 赵炼恒, 考虑岩土多孔介质渗透率变化的宾汉流体渗透注浆扩散模型[国内EI/CSCD期刊].铁道科学与工程学报
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[36]Lian-Heng Zhao(赵炼恒)*, Xin-Lei Sun, Xiang-Cou Zheng, Feng Yang.Upper bound analysis of the Nγ and failure mechanism of equally spaced multiple strip footings[J].International Journal of Geomechanics
[37]Gaopeng Tang., Yingbin Zhang, Xiao Cheng, Liang Li, Lian-Heng Zhao(赵炼恒)*, Zhi-Chen Song.Distinct Element Modelling of a Landslide Triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake: A Case Study[J].Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
[38]Xiangcou Zheng, Lianheng Zhao(赵炼恒), Junsheng Yang, Jian Zhang, Feng Yang.Stability analysis of unlined elliptical tunnel using finite element upper-bound method with rigid translatory moving elements[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 50: 13–22.
[39]Zhao Biao., Han Zheng, Deng Dong-ping, Zou shi, Zhao Lian-heng(赵炼恒).Development mechanism and parameter inversion analysis for landslides: a case study of the landslide at Xinlu Village, Chongqing, China[J].Landslides