Affilication of Author(s):中南大学
School Sign:中南大学
Patent Applicant:段吉安
Disigner of the Invention:郑煜, 段吉安
Note:2010-09-29 授权 2009-03-11 实质审查的生效 2009-01-21 公开
Authorization number:ZL200810143180.3
Service Invention or Not:no
First Author:段吉安
Affilication of Author(s):中南大学
School Sign:中南大学
Patent Applicant:段吉安
Disigner of the Invention:郑煜, 段吉安
Note:2010-09-29 授权 2009-03-11 实质审查的生效 2009-01-21 公开
Authorization number:ZL200810143180.3
Service Invention or Not:no
First Author:段吉安