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Bo Chen
Journal Publications
Research Projects
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Recommended MA Supervisor
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Journal Publications
Current position:
Journal Publications
[1]Bo Chen, Dawei Gao, Mikhail K. Kaban, Guangdong Zhao, Jinsong Du.The Global Crust and Mantle Gravity Disturbances and Their Implications on Mantle Structure and Dynamics.Surveys in Geophysics, 2023
[2]Chen, B., Sun, Y., Qi, G., Du, J., Li, S..3-D gravity anomaly inversion for imaging salt structures, with application to Vinton Salt Dome, Gulf of Mexico.IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens, 2023
[3]Zhao, G., Wang, X., Xu, Z., Kaban, M.K., Chen, B., Liu, J..3D gravity inversion based on mixed-norm regularization in spherical coordinates with application to the lunar Moscoviense Basin.Geophysics, 2023, 88: G67-G78.
[4]Huang, L., Pan, X., Chen, B., Liu, H., Li, X., Liu, Z., Liu, J..Azimuthal amplitude difference-based multi-domain seismic inversion for fracture weaknesses..IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2023
[5]Huang, L., Pan, X., Chen, B., Wang, P., Zhang, G., Liu, J..Bayesian Seismic Azimuth-Difference Inversion of Horizontal Transversely Isotropic Media for Low-Frequency Component of Fracture Weaknesses in Laplace-Fourier Domain.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022
[6]袁洋, 陈波, 崔益安, 赵广东, 柳建新, 郭荣文.基于BTTB矩阵的快速高精度三维磁场正演.地球物理学报, 2022, 65 (3) : 1107-1124.
[7]Chen, B., Sun, Y., Li, S., Du, J., Liu, J., Qi, G..Joint Inversion of Gravity Gradient Tensor Data Based on L1 and L2 Norms.IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2022
[8]Zhong, Y, Ren, Z., Tang, J., Lin, Y., Chen, B., Deng, Y., Jiang, Y..Constrained gravity inversion with adaptive inversion grid refinement in spherical coordinates and its application to mantle structure beneath Tibetan plateau.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2022, e2021JB022
[9]Guangdong Zhao, Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu, Mikhail.K. Kaban, Jinsong Du.3-D Density Structure of the Lunar Mascon Basins Revealed by a High-Efficient Gravity Inversion of the GRAIL Data.Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 2021
[10]Uluocak, E.S., Gogüs, O.H., Pysklywec, R.N., Chen, B..Geodynamics of East Anatolia‐Caucasus Domain: Inferences from 3D Thermo‐mechanical Models, Residual Topography, and Admittance Function Analyses.Tectonics, 2021, e2021TC007
[11]Chuan Li, Ya Sun, Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu.Optimal Third-Order Symplectic Integration Modeling of Seismic Acoustic Wave Propagation.Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 2020, 110: 754-762.
[12]Guangdong Zhao, Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu, Mikhail. K. Kaban, Xuanyu Zheng.Moho beneath Tibet based on a joint analysis of gravity and seismic data[J].Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2020
[13]Guangdong Zhao, Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu, Leonardo Uieda, Mikhail. K. Kaban, Rongwen Guo, Longwei Chen.Efficient 3D large-scale forward-modeling and inversion of gravitational fields in spherical coordinates with application to lunar mascons.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019, 124 (4) : 4157-4173.
[14]Kaban, M. K., Chen, B., Tesauro, M., Petrunin, A. G., El Khrepy, S., Al-Arifi, N..Reconsidering effective elastic thickness estimates by incorporating the effect of sediments: A case study for Europe.Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45 (18) : 9523-9532.
[15]Guangdong Zhao, Bo Chen, Longwei Chen, Jianxin Liu, Zhengyong Ren.High-accuracy 3D Fourier forward modeling of gravity field based on the Gauss-FFT method.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2018 (150) : 294-303.
[16]Bo Chen, Mikhail Kaban*, Alexey G Petrunin, Carina Haeger.Variations of the effective elastic thickness reveal tectonic fragmentation of the Antarctic lithosphere.Tectonophysics, 2017 (746) : 412-424.
[17]柳建新, 陈波, 孙欢乐, 郭荣文.重磁方法在国内外金属矿中的研究进展.地球物理学进展, 2016, 31 (2) : 0713-0722.
[18]Sun Y., Liu J., Tang Y., Chen J., Zhou K., Chen B.Structure of the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Beneath the South China Block Imaged by Finite Frequency Tomography.Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2016
[19]Ya Sun, Bo Chen, Jianxin Liu, Keping Zhou, Rongwen Guo.Crustal structure and deformation under the Longmenshan and its surroundings revealed by receiver function data.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2015, 244: 11-22.
[20]Bo Chen, Mikhail K. Kaban, Sami El Khrepy, Nassir Al-Arifi.Effective elastic thickness of the Arabian plate: soft shield versus strong platform.Geophysical Research Letters, 2015, 42 (9) : 3298-3304.
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