Personal Information
Research Profile
Google scholar:
08/2012-05/2016 PhD, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, New Mexico State University (NMSU)
02/2014-09/2015 PhD (joint program), Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)
09/2009-06/2012 ME, Materials Science, Central South University
09/2005-06/2009 BE, Inorganic Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University
Research Experience
06/2016-03/2018 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Postdoc
PI: Prof. Yunfeng Lu. Working on anode materials for lithium ion batteries, including the structural design and optimization of silicon-carbon anode materials; development of strategy for large-scale production of silicon-carbon materials for commercial applications; synthesis of novel phosphorus based anode materials; regeneration or recycle of NCM cathode materials.
08/2012-04/2016 New Mexico State University
PI: Prof. Hongmei Luo. Working on anode materials for lithium ion batteries, including versatile synthetic routes, e.g. polymer assisted deposition, solvothermal, hydrothermal, chemical vapor deposition, for the controllable design of anode materials at nanoscale; improvement of electrochemical performance via introduction of conductive polymer or carbon materails.
02/2014-09/2015 Los Alamos National Laboratory
PI: Dr. Victor I. Klimov, Research focus on the colloidal synthesis of semiconducting nanocrystals (quantum dots), including the size and shape control, core-shell structure, transition metal doping-system, and the corresponding investigation on optical and magnetic behavior.
09/2009-06/2012 Central South University
PI: Prof. Xiaohe Liu. Research focus on the controllable synthesis of rare-earth metal based hollow structure for optical applications; biomolecule assisted preparation of transition metal based oxides or sulfides.
Honor and awards
2018 Outstanding Reviewer of APPLIED ENERGY, Elsevier
2018 Outstanding Reviewer of JOURNAL OF ALLOY AND COMPOUNDS, Elsevier
2016 Bruce Wilson Memorial Research Assistantship, NMSU
2015 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,国家留学基金委
2015-2016 Merit-based Enhancement Award, NMSU
2015 ECS Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship, The Electrochemical Society
2015 Outstanding Reviewer of JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, Elsevier
2014-2015 Outstanding Graduate Assistantship Award, NMSU
2013-2014 Merit-based Enhancement Award, NMSU
2011-2012 中南大学优秀毕业生(研究生)
2011-2012 中南大学比亚迪奖学金
2009-2011 中南大学优秀共产党员
2009-2010 中南大学优秀毕业生(本科)
2007-2009 中南大学优秀共产党员
2007-2008 中南大学优秀学生
2006-2007 中南大学优秀团员
2005-2009 中南大学一等奖学金一次、二等奖学金一次、三等奖学金两次
Teaching experiences
ChME 467, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spring 2016, NMSU
ChE 301, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I, Spring 2013, NMSU
ChE 302, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II, Fall 2013, NMSU
Academic services
1. Invited as reviewer or adjudicative reviewer for high impact journals, such as Joule, Nature Communication, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Matter, Energy & Environmental Science, Energy Storage Materials, Nano Energy, Nano-Micro Letter, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, ACS Energy Letter, Small, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Nanoscale, CrystEngComm, New Journal of Chemistry, RSC Advances, Scientific Reports, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Applied Energy Materials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, ACS Omega, Applied Clay Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Power Sources (>150), Applied Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, MRS proceedings, etc. Total review times over 550.
2. Invited as the committee for user proposals of DOE Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), (Twice a year, 5-8 proposals each time).
3. Member of Chinese Chemical Society, Materials Research Society, American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, The Electrochemical Society.4.
4. Co-chair for symposium, Composites for Environmental Applications Session, 2015 AIChE meeting, Salt Lake City.
5. Symposium assistant, 2015 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Date of Employment:2018-05-08
School/Department:School of Materials science and Engineering
Administrative Position:材料化学系副主任
Education Level:PhD Graduate
Degree:Doctoral degree
Alma Mater:New Mexico State University / LANL
- Discipline:Materials Science and Engineering
Honors and Titles:
ECS Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship, The Electrochemical Society;