Journal Publications
- [1]Xiang Xie, Xin-Ming Cheng, Honglei Xu.Improved results on exponential stability of discrete-time switched delay systems.Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System-series B, 2017, 22 (1) : 199~208.
- [2]Ming Chi, Zhi-Hong Guan, Xin-Ming Cheng;, Fu-Shun Yuan.Performance limitations for networked control systems with plant uncertainty.nternational Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47 (6) : 1358~1365.
- [3]Jie Chen, Zhi-Hong Guan, Ding-Xin He, Ming Chi;, Xin-Ming Cheng.Multi-c onsensus for second-order multi-agent systems based on sampled position information.IET Control Theory and Applications, 2015, 9 (3) : 358~366.
- [4]Chao Yang, Xin-Ming Cheng, Zhi-Wei Liu, Li Ding, Zhi-Hong Guan.Transie nt stability and voltage regulation in wide area power grid using switching controller.Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference,, 2014
- [5]Zhi-Hong Guan, Qiang Lai, Ming Chi;, Xin-Ming Cheng.Analysis of a new three-dimensional system with multiple chaotic attractors.Nonlinear Dynamics,, 2014, 75 (1-2) : 331~343.
- [6]Jie Chen, Junwei Sun, Ming Chi, Xin-Ming Cheng.A novel scheme adaptive hybrid dislocated synchronization for two identical and different memristor chaotic oscillator systems with uncertain parameters.Abstract and Applied Analysis., 2014
- [7]Hoang-Dung Tran, Zhi-Hong Guan, Xuan-Kien Dang, Xin-Ming Cheng.A normalized PID controller in networked control systems with varying time delays.ISA Transactions, 2013, 52: 592~599.
- [8]Guang-Song Han, Zhi-Hong Guan, Xin-Ming Cheng, Yonghong Wu, Feng Liu.Multiconsensus of second order multiagent systems with directed topologies..n ternational Journal of Control Automation and systems, 2013, 11 (6) : 1122~1127.
- [9]Xin-Ming Cheng, Xinzhi Liu, Zhi-Hong Guan.Impulsive control for a class of nonlinear systems with time delay.Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems series B, 2005 (2) : 717~721.
- [10]Xin-Ming Cheng, Weihua Gui, Zhengjia Gan.Stability analysisi and controller design for a class of delay systems based on network.Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems series B, 2008, 15: 417~429.
- [11]Xin-Ming Cheng, Weihua Gui, Zhengjia Gan.Robust reliable control for a class of time-varying uncertain impulsive systems.Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2005, 12 (1)
- [12]Guang-Song Han, Zhi-Hong Guan;, Juan Li, Rui-Quan Liao, Xin-Ming Cheng.Multi-consensus of multi-agent networks via a rectangular impulsive approach..Systems & Control Letters, 2015, 76: 28~34.
- [13]Guang Ling, Zhi-Hong Guan, Rui-Quan Liao, Xin-Ming Cheng.Stability and bifurcation analysis of cyclic genetic regulatory networks with mixed time delays.SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2015, 14 (1)
- [14]Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Ming Chi, Ding-Xin He, Xin-Ming Cheng.Guarantee d performance consensus in second-order multi-agent systems with hybrid impulsive control.Automatica, 2014, 50 (9)
- [15]Xin-Ming Cheng, Zhi-Hong Guan, Xinzhi Liu.Decentralized impulsive control for a class of uncertain interconnected systems.Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2004, 5 (3) : 274~282.
- [16]Xin-ming Cheng, Weihua Gui, Zhengjia Gan.Stability Analysis and controller Design for a Class of Delay Systems via Observer Based on Network.Journal of Control Theory and Application, 2009, 7 (3) : 328-334.
- [17]Zheng-Ning Gan, Xin-ming Cheng.Distributed predictive control of spiral wave in cardiac media.Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19 (5) : 0505 4-8.
- [18]Xu Lin, Hu Bin, Guan Zhihong, Cheng Xinming, Li Tao, Xiao Jiangwen.Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pursuit-Evasion Game Scalability.Proceedings of 2019 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference
- [19]Jiayuan Yan,, Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Xin-Ming Cheng, Tao Li.Controllability analysis of complex-valued impulsive systems with time-varying delays.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2020, 83 (105070)
- [20]Ni-Lei Mo, Zhi-Hong Guan, Ding-Xue Zhang, Xin-Ming Cheng,, Zhi-Wei Liu, Tao Li.Data-driven based optimal distributed frequency control for islanded AC microgrids..International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 119: 105904.
Xinming Cheng

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