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教师英文名称:cheng zhigang
- Zhang Z, Wang RK, Duan B, Cheng ZG, Wang E, Guo QL, Luo H..Effects of a Preoperative Carbohydrate-Rich Drink Before Ambulatory Surgery: A Randomized Controlled, Double-Blinded Study.Med Sci Monit
- Zhang Z, Wang J, Song Z, Wang Y, Cheng Z, Guo Q, Wang E, Jian Y, Wu L..Downregulation of microRNA-199a-5p alleviated lidocaine-induced sensory dysfunction and spinal cord myelin lesions in a rat model.Toxicol Lett
- Guan YJ, Wei L, Liao Q, Fang QW, He N, Han CF, Miao CH, Luo GJ, Wang HB, Cheng H, Guo QL, Cheng ZG..Pain management after ambulatory surgery: a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blinded parallel controlled trial comparing nalbuphine and tramadol.BMC Anesthesiol
- Huang D, Liu YQ, Liang LS, Lin XW, Song T, Zhuang ZG, Wang SL, Bao HG, Wang L, Zhang XW, Cheng ZG, Duan BL, Qiu WD, Xiong YC, Liu JF..The Diagnosis and Therapy of Degenerative Knee Joint Disease: Expert Consensus from the Chinese Pain Medicine Panel.Pain Res Manag
- Wang Y, Peng C, Cheng Z, Wang X, Wu L, Li J, Huang C, Guo Q, Cai H..The prognostic significance of preoperative neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving hepatectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Int J Surg
- Wen C, Xu M, Mo C, Cheng Z, Guo Q, Zhu X..JMJD6 exerts function in neuropathic pain by regulating NF?κB following peripheral nerve injury in rats.Int J Mol Med
- Xu M, Cheng Z, Ding Z, Wang Y, Guo Q, Huang C..Resveratrol enhances IL-4 receptor-mediated anti-inflammatory effects in spinal cord and attenuates neuropathic pain following sciatic nerve injury.Mol Pain
- Pan B, Cheng Z, Kong G, Song Z, Wang Y, Wei L, Xiao D, Zhao Y, Guo Q..Propofol inhibits expression of angiotensin II receptor type 2 in dorsal root ganglion neurons.Exp Ther Med
- Cheng Z, Li L, Mo X, Zhang L, Xie Y, Guo Q, Wang Y..Non-invasive remote limb ischemic postconditioning protects rats against focal cerebral ischemia by upregulating STAT3 and reducing apoptosis.Int J Mol Med
- Ye Z, Xia P, Cheng ZG, Guo Q..Neuroprotection induced by sevoflurane-delayed post-conditioning is attributable to increased phosphorylation of mitochondrial GSK-3β through the PI3K/Akt survival pathway.J Neurol Sci
- Pan YD, Guo QL, Wang E, Ye Z, He ZH, Zou WY, Cheng ZG, Wang YJ..Intrathecal infusion of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate for the prevention and reversal of neuropathic pain in rats using a sciatic chronic constriction injury model.Reg Anesth Pain Med
- Wang X, Jiang Y, Li J, Wang Y, Tian Y, Guo Q, Cheng Z..DUSP1 Promotes Microglial Polarization toward M2 Phenotype in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Neuropathic Pain Rats via Inhibition of MAPK Pathway.ACS Chem Neurosci
- 田影, 王云姣, 黄长盛, 白念岳, 郭曲练, 程智刚.全身麻醉患者苏醒期意识恢复预测技术的研究进展
- 刘松华, 方懿, 曹理言, 谭洪毅, 李琼灿, 程智刚.超声引导下胸椎旁神经阻滞对结核性脓胸手术患者麻醉复苏室内复苏质量的影响
- 程智刚, 邓建冬, 廖彩萍.利多卡因复合阿托品治疗麻醉恢复室导尿管相关膀胱刺激症的效果
- 程智刚, 王云姣, 李靖怡, 王喜梅, 郭曲练.加强麻醉恢复室管理 提高围术期患者安全
- 程智刚, 何天伟.医护人员肌肉骨骼疾病发生现状及其影响因素分析
- 程智刚, 邓建冬, 向涛, 廖彩萍.右美托咪定复合舒芬太尼在非插管全麻下行输尿管镜钬激光碎石手术中的应用
- 程智刚, 熊云川, 刘畅, 郭曲练.湖南省新型冠状病毒感染肺炎麻醉科防控方案
- 蒋灿华, 翦新春, 张志愿, 郑家伟, 石冰, 刘彦普, 何悦, 彭歆, 尚政军, 韩新光, 刘蔚东, 莫洋, 郭峰, 程智刚, 陈传俊, 龚忠诚, 金武龙, 张世周, 袁荣涛, 严奉国, 李鹏程, 张胜, 高兴, 陈洁.口腔颌面外科日间手术中国专家共识