Global dynamics of the Josephson equation in TS^1
Release time:2020-04-06
DOI number:10.1016/j.jde.2020.03.048
Journal:Journal of Differential Equations
Key Words:Limit cycle; Josephson equation; Homoclinic loop; Two-saddle loop; Saddle connection
Abstract:The Josephson equation
$\dot \phi=y,~\dot y=-\sin\phi+\epsilon \big(a-(1+\gamma\cos\phi)y\big)$
was researched by Sanders and Cushman in [{\it SIAM J. Math. Anal.} {\bf 17} (1986), 495-511] for its phase portraits when $\epsilon>0$ is small
by applying the averaging method. The parameter $\epsilon$ can actually be large or even any real number in the practical application of this model.
When $|\epsilon|$ is not small, we cannot apply the averaging method because the system is not near-Hamiltonian. For general $\epsilon \in \mathbb{R}$,
we present complete dynamics and more complex bifur
Co-author:Tang Yilei
First Author:Chen Hebai
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Type:J
Page Number:4884-4913
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-04-06
Included Journals:SCI
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