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Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[1]Qingqing Liu,...Ping Chen. A case report of retiform hemangioendothelioma as pleural nudoles with lectue review.Diagnosic Pathology,2015. DOI 10.1186/13000-015-0433-7
[2]Ya-Ting Peng1, Ping Chen1 . Multifaceted role of prohibitin in cell survival and apoptosis. Apoptosis, (DOI) 10.1007/s10495-015-1143-zApoptosis: Volume 20, Issue 9 (2015), Page 1135-1149
[3]Kang N, Chen P, Chen Y. PRMT6 mediates CSE induced inflammation and apoptosis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Jan;24(1):95-101
[4]Cai Shan, M.D.; Li Qin; Anmei Hu; Ping Chen; Xiujie Jia; Lynn TANOUE.Effects of short term education and spirometry on the ability of physicians to diagnose and treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0117348 February 23, 2015
[5]Luo YQ, Yang Y, Zhang H, Chen P*. Effect of Inducible Co-Stimulatory Molecule siRNA in Cerebral Infarction Rat Models. Med Sci Monit. 2015 Oct 5;21:3003-7
[6]Zhi-Hui He, PhD, MD; Ping Chen, PhD, MD; Yan Chen, PhD, MD.Comparison between animal models of emphysema induced by cigarette smoke and that induced by intraperitoneal injection of cigarette smoke extract .Tobacco Induced Disease2015, 13 :6 (25 March 2015)
[7]Yang Min,Chen Ping,et al. Cigarette smoke extract induces aberrant COXII gene methylation and apoptosis in HUVECs . Am J Physiology Cell Physiology,2015,308:C378-384
[8]DANDAN ZONG, RUOYUN OUYANG, PING CHEN. Epigenetic Mechanisms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Re Med Pharmacol Sci,2015,19:844~856
[9]Li Xu,Xudong Xiang,Ping Chen.Effects and mechanism of dehydroepiandrosterone on epithelial-mesenchymal transition in bronchial epithelial cells. Experimental Lung Research (Impact Factor: 1.47). 05/2014; DOI: 10.3109/01902148.2013.879966
[10]Huihui Zeng,Xianglun Kong,Xinrui Chen,Hong Luo,Ping Chen.Lophomonas blattarum infection presented as acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of thoracic disease 06/2014; 6(6):E73-6. DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.03.40
[11]Zhi-biao He, Ping Chen, Zhen-yu Peng and Li-yan Jin. Effect of Corynoline Isolated from Corydalis bungeana Turcz on Lipopolysaccharides-Induced Sepsis In vivo and In vitro.Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. January 2014; 13 (1): 81-86. ISSN: 1596-5996 (print); 1596-9827
[12]Zhang Yan, Dai Li, Wu Shangjie, Chen Ping and Zhao Shuiping. Atorvastatin attenuates involvement of RhoA/Rho-kinase pathway and NF-κB activation in hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive rats. Chinese Medical Journal 2014;127 (5):869~872
[13]Zhang Cheng,Chen Ping,et al.Hypomethylation of Perforin Regulatory Elements in CD4+ T Cells from Rats’ Spleens Contributes to The Development of Autoimmune Emphysema. Respirology. Respirology (2014)doi: 10.1111/resp.12240
[14]Luo Y,Yang Y,Chen P.Study of preparation process of paclitaxel liposome and its anti-cancer effect.Asian Jounal of Chemistry,2014,26(18):
[15]He Zhihui, Chen Ping, Chen Yan, et al. Dual effects of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) on proliferation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and the protective effect of 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine on EPCs against the damage caused by CSE.BioMed Research International. 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/640752
[16]Wanzhen Yao…Ping Chen.Effect of once-daily indacaterol in a predominantly Chinese COPD population: a 26-week Asia-Pacific study. Respirology (2014) 19, 231–238 doi: 10.1111/resp.12211
[17]JUAN CHEN, YAN CHEN, PING CHEN, ZHIJUN LIU2, HONG LUO and SHAN CAI2.Effectiveness of individual counseling for smoking cessation in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asymptomatic smokers. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE,2014,7:716~720. DOI: 10.3892/etm.2013.1463
[18]Peng Hong,…Chen Ping, et al.Expression and Methylation of Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients with Lung Cancer.PLOS ONE 2013.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082739
[19]Chengli BEI, Anmei HU,Huayun LIU, Ping CHEN, Xiujie JIA, Guisheng ZHOU,Shan CAI. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Related Health Resources Allocation in Hunan Province of China. Iranian J Publ Health,2013,42(6):543-551
[20]Hongliang Zhang; Ping Chen; Huihui Zeng; Yan Zhang; Hong Peng; Yan Chen Protective effect of demethylation treatment on cigarette smoke extract-induced mouse emphysema model.Journal of Pharmacological Sciences,2013,123(2):159~166
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