
Microstructure and microtexture evolution of shear localization in dynamic deformation with different strains in annealed copper


  • Release time:2021-10-21

  • DOI number:10.1007/s11661-012-1421-0

  • Journal:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

  • Abstract:Shear localizations with different strains in annealed copper were obtained by a modified split Hopkinson pressure bar. Microstructure and microtexture evolution of the shear localization regions were examined using optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction technique, and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that both the mechanical response and deformation behavior are correlated closely to the shear strains. The elongated dislocation cells, stretched subgrains, and the refinement of subgrains are observed within shear localizations during dynamic deformation. Ultrafine grains of 100 to 300 nm with high-angle-boundaries are produced within the shear band with the shear strain of 5.8. Microtexture characterization reveals that a stable orientation, in which aOE (c) 110 > directions of the crystals tend to align with the shear direction, develops both in the deformation and recrystallization areas. The {111} planes of the crystals tend to parallel to the shear plane in the deformation area, whereas the aggregated extent of this orientation becomes weak in the recrystallization area. In addition, some grains exist with the {100} planes parallel to the shear plane in the deformation and recrystallization areas. The rotational dynamic recrystallization is a reasonable mechanism for the microstructure evolution. The effects of cooling stage on the growth of grains and the change of dislocation density are estimated as a complementarity to this mechanism.

  • Co-author:Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, X.Y. Yang, C.M. Liu

  • First Author:L. Tang

  • Document Type:J

  • Volume:44A

  • Issue:2

  • Page Number:793-805

  • ISSN No.:1073-5623

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2013-02-14

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