Xiao-Heng Deng, Yi Liu , Zhi-Gang Chen. Memory-based evolutionary game on small-world network with tunable heterogeneity[J] Physica A ,2010,389(22)5173-5181. (EI)
Pre One:Deng Xiao-heng, Liu Yi, Zhao Fu-Yao, Chen Zhi-Gang. A complex network based virtual computing environment topology generating method[C]: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2010.700-705.Shanghai,(Ivan Stojmenovic, Minglu Li, Xian-He Sun) (SCI & EI)
Next One:Xiao, Zhenghong, Chen Zhigang, Deng Xiaoheng. Anomaly detection based on a multi-class CUSUM algorithm for WSN[J]Journal of Computers,2010/02,5(2) :306-313. (EI)