
Bo Li, Xiaoheng Deng, Xuechen Chen, Yiqin Deng, Jian Yin, "MEC-Based Dynamic Controller Placement in SD-IoV: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3182048. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (JCR 1区, 2022)


  • Release time:2024-03-13

  • Abstract:Abstract:The flow fluctuations in the highly dynamic Internet of Vehicles (IoV) make the IoV difficult to provide reliable and scalable wireless network services for the emerging applications in the 5 G and beyond era. The software-defined networks (SDN) could feasibly manage and optimize the network according to the network load. Controller placement is a critical problem in SDN to achieve its robustness and flexibility with the changes of network status. Motivated by the advantages of SDN and Mobile-edge computing (MEC), this paper aims at enhancing the performance of IoV with the assistance of these two. Specifically, we consider a three-layer hierarchical SDN control plane for the IoV, where the SDN controllers are placed at the edge of networks. Under this framework, we investigate a multi-objective optimization problem on controller placement problem including delay, load balancing, and path reliability. To efficiently solve the formulated NP-hard problems, we develop an algorithm based on multi-agent deep Q-learning networks (MADQN) because of its advantages for large-scale combinatorial optimization. At last, we use multi-process technology to accelerate the operation of the algorithm, so as to complete the algorithm iteration faster. Numerical results show that the proposed methods achieve better performances than three baselines.

  • Note:http://faculty.csu.edu.cn/dengxiaoheng/zh_CN/lwcg/10445/content/49296.htm

  • Translation or Not:no

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  • 13-MEC-Based Dynamic Controller Placement in SD-IoV A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach.pdf   
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