
Yiwen Luo, Xiaoheng Deng, Wendong Zhang, Yan Ke, Shaohua Wan, Yurong Qian, "Collaborative Intelligent Delivery With One Truck and Multiple Heterogeneous Drones in COVID-19 Pandemic Environment," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3350876. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (JCR 1区, 2024)


  • Release time:2024-05-23

  • Key Words:Drones, Payloads, Energy consumption, Logistics, COVID-19, Traveling salesman problems, Costs

  • Abstract:The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a serious impact on the traditional logistics industry. Considering that the truck-drone collaborative delivery system can both reduce the risk of COVID-19 propagation and deliver supplies in a cost effective and timely manner, this paper introduces the Multiple visits Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Heterogeneous Drones (MTSP-MHD). The model allows a truck to carry a fleet of heterogeneous multi-visit drones for cooperative deliveries, where the drones are capable of delivering to multiple customers on a single route and the flight is restricted by energy consumption and payload constraints. To solve MTSP-MHD, we develop an approach that combines K-Means ++ clustering, Nearest neighbor search and Greedy strategies (KNG) to construct feasible solutions. Meanwhile, an Improved Artificial Bee Colony algorithm combining Metropolis acceptance criterion of Simulated Annealing, Tabu list of Tabu Search, and Elite selection strategies (IABC-MTE) is proposed to enhance the quality of solutions. Particularly, three problem-specific neighborhood operators are adopted to search for new solutions. The massive experimental results indicate that IABC-MTE achieves significant improvements over other competitors, with average objective value reductions ranging from 1.81% to 29.16% and standard deviations reduced by 0.04 to 26.44. Finally, the influencing factors of the drone fleet, the performance of different drone fleets and delivery modes are evaluated in detail.

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