Language : English
  • Personal Information


    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

    School/Department:School of Civil Engineering

    Administrative Position:Dean of Institute of Tunnel Engineering ,CSU

    Education Level:PhD Graduate

    Business Address:铁道校区世纪楼10楼,1008和1010


    Degree:Doctoral degree


    Academic Titles:professor

    Alma Mater:Central South University

    Discipline:Civil Engineering
    Transportation Engineering

    Academic honors:
    2012elected:Provincial Top Talent
    Honors and Titles:
  • Profile

    Dr. Helin Fu is a professor of civil engineering in the School of Civil Engineering, Central South University (CSU). He is the leader of national key discipline bridge and tunnel engineering, visiting professor of Freiberg University of technology in Germany, executive director of tunnel and underground engineering branch of China Civil Engineering Society, and director of tunnel construction management and youth work of China Civil Engineering Society.
    He is the editorial board member of Journal of underground space and engineering, modern tunnel technology, disaster prevention and control of tunnel and underground engineering and tunnel construction.
    His research interests include geological disaster prevention and control, tunnel and underground engineering, geotechnical engineering, involving the impact assessment and risk control of sensitive structures adjacent to tunnels, intelligent inspection (monitoring) and treatment of tunnel diseases and quality defects, structural analysis and risk assessment of tunnels and underground engineering, dynamic information construction of tunnels and underground engineering etc.
    For many years, Dr. Fu has been presiding over 80research projects, of which 40 scientific research achievements have been appraised,
    Nine items were awarded provincial and ministerial first prizes, 24 items second prizes, 7 items third prizes, he has published more than 260 papers in academic journals"

  • Research Field

  • Social Affiliations

    [1]  2024.4- Now
    [2]   教育部长江学者奖励计划
    [3]   《隧道建设》、《隧道与地下工程灾害防治》、《现代隧道技术》、《地下空间与工程学报》编委
  • Education Background

    [1]  长沙铁道学院 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | 博士
    [2]  2000.10- 2001.12
    Clausthal 工业大学 | 隧道与地下工程 | 从事博士后研究,师从新奥法创始人Mueller和LUX教授,学习新奥法
    [3]  1997.9- 2000.8
    中南大学 | 桥梁与隧道工程 | PhD Graduate | Doctoral degree | 师从刘宝琛院士
    [4]  1989.9- 1991.4
    昆明理工大学 | 岩土工程 | The graduate student is educated | Master's degree | 师从周昌达教授
    [5]  1984.9- 1988.7
    昆明理工大学资源开发系 | Mining Industrial Engineering | 本科 | Bachelor's degree
  • Work Experience

    [1]  1997.4- 2025.9
    中南大学 | 土木工程学院 | 系主任 | 教授、博士生导师 | 正式职工 | 2002年评为教授,2003年评为博士生导师
    [2]  1991.4- 1997.2
    长沙矿山研究院 | 岩土力学所 | 专题组长 | 工程师 | 正式职工 | 其中1991.10-1992.10在湘西州科技扶贫挂职
  • Research Group

    Name of Research Group:湖南省隧道与地下工程建养技术中心

    Description of Research Group:团队由6位博导、7位副教授领衔,博士、硕士24人组成,长期致力于隧道围岩-结构相互作用机理及隧道灾害防治,为武广、沪昆、川藏等多条高速铁路、广东、贵州高速公路部分隧道及湖南省95%以上的隧道和地铁建设提供了技术咨询。

  • Other Contact Information
