
Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Professor

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Language: 中文


    高志勇,山西中阳人,中共党员,中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院副院长、二级教授、博士生导师。国家级高层次人才(2021)、国家级高层次青年人才(2019)、国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家(2023)、湖南省科技创新领军人才(2021)、湖南省湖湘青年英才(2018),获Minerals Engineering International Young Person's Award(亚洲首位,2019)、宝钢优秀教师奖(2024)、IJMMM鼎新青年科学家奖(2024)、全国有色金属优秀青年科技奖(2022)、全国绿色矿山青年科技奖(2020)、全国最美科技工作者(提名奖,2022)、湖南省杰出青年科学基金(2019)。2003年进入中南大学矿物加工工程专业读本科并保送读研读博,2013年博士毕业后留校任教。现任战略含钙矿物资源清洁高效利用湖南省重点实验室主任,湖南省关键金属矿产资源高效清洁利用国际联合研究中心主任,金属资源开发利用碳减排教育部工程研究中心副主任,复杂矿产资源高效清洁利用科学与技术国家创新引智基地副主任。


中国国际矿物加工青年学者论坛发起人、大会主席,国际矿物加工理事会教育分会委员,国际浮选大会圆桌论坛中国代表,国际矿物加工大会浮选分会场共同召集人,中国有色金属学会矿冶过程界面化学专业委员会秘书长、青年工作委员会副秘书长,湖南有色金属学会选矿学术委员会主任,学科排名第1的SCI期刊Minerals Engineering的编委(亚洲区主编),Minerals等三个学科主流SCI期刊的副主编,绿色矿山、矿产保护与利用、矿产综合利用、矿冶等国内期刊的编委(副主编),中南大学学术委员会工业学部副主任。

Prof Zhiyong Gao received his Ph.D degree in Minerals Processing Engineering from Central South University (CSU), China in 2013, and has been a professor and vice dean in the School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering at CSU since 2019. His research interests embrace mineral crystal chemistry, flotation reagent design, and grinding media technology. The surface broken bond density (Db) index proposed by Zhiyong Gao has been widely accepted as a rapid way to study mineral surfaces and to assess their surface reactivity. This Db index has interestingly also been more widely recognized and applied in such different areas as material science, crystal growth, geochemistry, mineralogy, etc. Zhiyong’s research activities have also included extensive use of AFM and DFT on molecular recognition for the development of a series of novel collectors and reagent mixtures for improving the separation selectivity when treating different minerals. Zhiyong has developed a method to regulate the crystal surface exposure and hence particle reactivity of different minerals by optimizing the grinding media parameters. Based on these fundamental studies, various new reagent schemes and grind technologies have been developed and utilized to optimize the currently used separation process and address key environmental and energy-related challenges in mineral processing. 

He has published 90+ papers with a H-index of 44 and 6000+ citations (Google Scholar). He also held 30+ authorized patents. He has received numerous awards and honors including the MEI Young Person's Award(2019), IJMMM Young Scientist Award (2024), the China-Australia Young Scientist Exchange Award (2020), the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University, and the Young Elite Scientists Award by China Association for Science and Technology (2017). Zhiyong has contributed significantly to the scientific community by serving, for example, on the editorial boards of several journals (including Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing since 2016, Minerals since 2017, Minerals Engineering since 2021, IJMMM since 2023) and committee memberships. In 2017, Zhiyong initiated and chaired the 1st China International Conference of Young Scholars in Mineral Processing which is now a well-known annual event in mineral processing community. He has been invited to give plenary/keynote/invited presentations and chair sessions in International Mineral Processing Congress, International Flotation Conferences, International Mineral Processing and Recycling Conference, SME, TMS, etc. He and his international collaborators also established the China-Australia / China-South Africa Joint Research Centre for Mineral Flotation Chemistry. 

Educational Background

  • 2009.9-2013.7  

    中南大学       矿物加工工程       PhD Graduate       Doctoral degree      留校任教

  • 2007.9-2009.7  

    中南大学       矿物加工工程       Post graduate diploma       无      提前攻读博士学位

  • 2003.9-2007.6  

    中南大学       矿物加工工程       University graduated       Bachelor's degree      保送读研

Work Experience

  • 2019.9-Now

    中南大学      资源加工与生物工程学院      教授      教授

  • 2019.1-Now

    中南大学      资源加工与生物工程学院      副院长      分管学位与研究生教育、博士后、学术交流、国际合作等

  • 2014.2-2017.2

    中南大学      化学化工学院      博士后      博士后      合作导师:钟宏教授

  • 2017.10-Now

    中南大学      矿物工程系      博士生导师      博士生导师

  • 2016.9-2019.9

    中南大学      矿物工程系      副教授      副教授

  • 2015.1-2019.1

    中南大学      矿物工程系      系副主任      分管本科教学、国际交流与合作

  • 2013.9-2016.9

    中南大学      矿物工程系      讲师      讲师

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