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【58】Chenchen Wang, Zeng-Ren Liang, Xiao-Feng Chen, Ai-Min Guo, Guanghao Ji, Qing-Feng Sun, and Yong Yan, Transverse spin selectivity in helical nanofibers prepared without any chiral molecule.

【57】Jing-Yun Fang, Yu-Chen Zhuang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Thermal dissipation of the quantum spin Hall edge states in HgTe/CdTe quantum well.

【56】Xiao-Feng Chen, Wenchen Luo, Tie-Feng Fang, Yossi Paltiel, Oded Millo, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Topologically nontrivial and trivial zero modes in chiral molecules, Physical Review B 108, 035401 (2023) (预言蛋白质-超导体系的拓扑相变并不伴随能隙关闭再打开现象, 同时存在拓扑非平庸和平庸的零模, 零模位置可随意调节). (Link)

【55】Lei Deng, Irfan Hussain Bhat, and Ai-Min Guo, Spin-selectivity effect of G-quadruplex DNA molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 244116 (2023). (Link)

【54】Pei-Jia Hu, Jin-Ting Ding, Zeng-Ren Liang, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Enhanced electron transport and self-similarity in quasiperiodic borophene nanoribbons with line defects, Nanoscale 15, 10740-10748 (2023). (Link)

【53】Jing-Yun Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Dephasing effect promotes the appearance of quantized Hall plateaus, New Journal of Physics 25, 033001 (2023). (Link)

【52】Pei-Jia Hu, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Aharonov–Bohm-like effects and Fano resonances in circular DNA molecular junctions, Applied Physics Letters 121, 154102 (2022) (遴选为亮点工作放在APL主页并以短文形式在Scilights做深入报道). (Link)

【51】Bing-Lan Wu, Ai-Min Guo, Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Hua Jiang, Quantized charge-pumping in higher-order topological insulators, Physical Review B 106, 165401 (2022). (Link)

【50】Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Strongly correlated electrons in superconducting islands with fluctuating Cooper pairs, Physical Review B 106, 075117 (2022). (Link)

【49】Pei-Jia Hu, Si-Xian Wang, Xiao-Feng Chen, Zeng-Ren Liang, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, Hui Xu, and Qing-Feng Sun, Resonant tunneling in disordered borophene nanoribbons with line defects, npj Computational Materials 8, 131 (2022). (Link)

【48】Pei-Jia Hu, Si-Xian Wang, Xiao-Feng Chen, Xiao-Hui Gao, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Charge Transport in a Multiterminal DNA Tetrahedron: Interplay among Contact Position, Disorder, and Base-Pair Mismatch, Physical Review Applied 17, 024074 (2022). (Link)

【47】Chenchen Wang, Ai-Min Guo, Qing-Feng Sun, and Yong Yan, Efficient Spin-Dependent Charge Transmission and Improved Enantioselective Discrimination Capability in Self-Assembled Chiral Coordinated Monolayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 10262-10269 (2021). (Link)

【46】Qiao Chen, Ai-Min Guo, Jie Liu, F. M. Peeters, and Qing-Feng Sun, Topological phase transitions and Majorana zero modes in DNA double helix coupled to s-wave superconductors, New Journal of Physics 23, 093047 (2021). (Link)

【45】Jing-Yun Fang, Ning-Xuan Yang, Qing Yan, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Thermal dissipation in the quantum Hall regime in graphene, Physical Review B 104, 115411 (2021). (Link)

【44】Shenglin Peng, Fangping Ouyang, Jian Sun, Ai-Min Guo, Tapash Chakraborty, and Wenchen Luo, Isotropic all-electric spin analyzer based on a quantum ring with spin-orbit couplings, Applied Physics Letters 118, 082402 (2021). (Link)

【43】Pei-Jia Hu, Si-Xian Wang, Xiao-Hui Gao, Yan-Yang Zhang, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin-dependent electron transport along hairpinlike DNA molecules, Physical Review B 102, 195406 (2020). (Link)

【42】Ai-Min Guo, Pei-Jia Hu, Xiao-Hui Gao, Tie-Feng Fang, and Qing-Feng Sun, Topological phase transitions of Thouless charge pumping realized in helical organic molecules with long-range hopping, Physical Review B 102, 155402 (2020) (首次发现有机和生物分子体系存在拓扑量子相变). (Link)

【41】Lan Chen, Fangping Ouyang, Songshan Ma, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Enhancement of electron transport and band gap opening in graphene induced by adsorbates, Physical Review B 101, 115417 (2020). (Link)

【40】Gao-Yang Li, Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Ferromagnetism-induced Kondo effect in graphene with a magnetic impurity, Physical Review B 100, 115115 (2019). (Link)

【39】Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Nonequilibrium Kondo effect by the equilibrium numerical renormalization group method: The hybrid Anderson model subject to a finite spin bias, Physical Review B 97, 235115 (2018). (Link)

【38】Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, Han-Tao Lu, Hong-Gang Luo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Charge Kondo effect in negative-U quantum dots with superconducting electrodes, Physical Review B 96, 085131 (2017) (率先研究了负U量子点系统的Kondo效应). (Link)

【37】Ai-Min Guo and Qing-Feng Sun, Topological states and quantized current in helical organic molecules, Physical Review B 95, 155411 (2017) (首次发现有机和生物分子体系存在拓扑量子态). (Link)

【36】Peng Lv, Ai-Min Guo, Huaiyu Li, Chunxiao Liu, X. C. Xie, and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin-flip reflection at the normal metal-spin superconductor interface, Physical Review B 95, 104516 (2017). (Link)

【35】Peng Lv, Zhi-qiang Bao, Ai-Min Guo, X. C. Xie, and Qing-Feng Sun, Ginzburg-Landau-type theory of nonpolarized spin superconductivity, Physical Review B 95, 014501 (2017) (率先构建非极化自旋超导体的类金兹堡-朗道方程). (Link)

【34】Ting-Rui Pan, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin-polarized electron transport through helicene molecular junctions, Physical Review B 94, 235448 (2016). (Link)

【33】Ai-Min Guo, Ting-Rui Pan, Tie-Feng Fang, X. C. Xie, and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin selectivity effect in achiral molecular systems, Physical Review B 94, 165409 (2016) (预言非手性分子体系具有自旋过滤效应). (Link)

【32】Yan-Feng Zhou, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Surface-step defect in three-dimensional topological insulators: Electric manipulation of spin and quantum spin Hall effect, Physical Review B 94, 085307 (2016). (Link)

【31】Zhe Hou, Yanxia Xing, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Crossed Andreev effects in two-dimensional quantum Hall systems, Physical Review B 94, 064516 (2016) (率先研究了量子霍尔-超导耦合体系的非局域安德列夫反射, 理论证明该体系能高效分离超导体中的库伯对). (Link)

【30】Miao-Miao Wei, Ying-Tao Zhang, Ai-Min Guo, Jian-Jun Liu, Yanxia Xing, and Qing-Feng Sun, Magnetothermoelectric transport properties of multiterminal graphene nanoribbons, Physical Review B 93, 245432 (2016). (Link)

【29】Ting-Rui Pan, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-Feng Sun, Effect of gate voltage on spin transport along alpha-helical protein, Physical Review B 92, 115418 (2015). (Link)

【28】Ai-Min Guo and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin-dependent electron transport in protein-like single-helical molecules, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 11658-11662 (2014) (首次提出全新的蛋白质分子自旋输运模型, 被引次数: 173). (Link)

【27】Ai-Min Guo, E. Diaz, C. Gaul, R. Gutierrez, F. Dominguez-Adame, G. Cuniberti, and Qing-feng Sun, Contact effects in spin transport along double-helical molecules, Physical Review B 89, 205434 (2014) (被引次数: 53). (Link)

【26】Ai-Min Guo, X. C. Xie, and Qing-feng Sun, Delocalization and scaling properties of low-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, Physical Review B 89, 075434 (2014) (首次理论证明二维准周期体系的标度参数为1, 扩展了P. W. Anderson等人提出的单参数标度理论). (Link)

【25】Wei Zhu, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-feng Sun, Electronic transport through tetrahedron-structured DNA-like system, Frontiers of Physics 9, 774-779 (2014) (invited paper). (Link)

【24】Zhi-qiang Bao, Ai-Min Guo, and Qing-feng Sun, Orbital Kondo effect in a parallel double quantum dot, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 435301 (2014). (Link)

【23】Ai-Min Guo, Shi-Jie Xiong, X. C. Xie, and Qing-feng Sun, Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 415501 (2013) (率先提出随机二元层模型, 理论证明该无序系统存在一个连续的扩展/导电能带). (Link)

【22】Z.-J. Yang, L. Tang, A.-M. Guo, X.-L. Cheng, Z.-H. Zhu, and X.-D. Yang, Origin of c-axis ultraincompressibility of Zr2InC above 70 GPa via first-principles, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 083506 (2013). (Link)

【21】Z.-J. Yang, Q. Liu, J. Li, Z. Wang, A.-M. Guo, R.-F. Linghu, X.-L. Cheng, and X.-D. Yang, Lattice instability of V2AlC at high pressure, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56, 916-924 (2013). (Link)

【20】Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Spin-Selective Transport of Electrons in DNA Double Helix, Physical Review Letters 108, 218102 (2012) (首次提出全新的DNA分子自旋输运模型, 被引次数: 278,  高被引论文). (Link)

【19】Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Sequence-dependent spin-selective tunneling along double-stranded DNA, Physical Review B 86, 115441 (2012) (被引次数: 72). (Link)

【18】Ai-Min Guo and Qing-feng Sun, Enhanced spin-polarized transport through DNA double helix by gate voltage, Physical Review B 86, 035424 (2012) (Highlighted on Physical Review B website, 被引次数: 65). (Link)

【17】Z.-J. Yang, A.-M. Guo, Y.-D. Guo, J. Li, Z. Wang, Q. Liu, R.-F. Linghu, and X.-D. Yang, Elastic and electronic properties of fluorite RuO2 from first principle, Condensed Matter Physics 15, 13603 (2012). (Link)

【16】Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Suppression of localization in a two-leg ladder model with correlated binary disorder, Physical Review B 83, 245108 (2011). (Link)

【15】Ai-Min Guo, Zhi Yang, Hong-Jun Zhu, and Shi-Jie Xiong, Influence of backbone on the charge transport properties of G4-DNA molecules: a model-based calculation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 065102 (2010). (Link)

【14】Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Effects of contact and efficient charge transport in G4-DNA molecules, Physical Review B 80, 035115 (2009) (率先构建G4-DNA分子的电荷输运模型, 理论结果被Nature Nanotechnology上的实验证实). (Link)

【13】Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Violation of the single-parameter scaling hypothesis in human chromosome 22 with charge transfer models, Physical Review E 79, 041924 (2009). (Link)

【12】Zhi Yang, Ai-Min Guo, Hong-Jun Zhu, and Shi-Jie Xiong, Density-functional study of structural and electronic properties in O-doped scandium clusters: observation of enhanced magnetic moments, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42, 125102 (2009). (Link)

【11】Zhi Yang, Yi-Xiang Wang, Ai-Min Guo, Hong-Jun Zhu, and Shi-Jie Xiong, The structures and electronic properties of Lan and LanO (n=2-12) clusters, Chemical Physics 359, 82-91 (2009). (Link)

【10】Ai-Min Guo, Shi-Jie Xiong, Zhi Yang, and Hong-Jun Zhu, Enhancement of transport in DNA-like systems induced by backbone disorder, Physical Review E 78, 061922 (2008). (Link)

【9】Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong, Dimensionality-induced effects on transport properties of poly(G)-poly(C), Physics Letters A 372, 3259-3263 (2008). (Link)

【8】Ai-Min Guo, Long-range correlation and charge transfer efficiency in substitutional sequences of DNA molecules, Physical Review E 75, 061915 (2007). (Link)

【7】Ai-Min Guo and Hui Xu, Effects of interbase electronic coupling and electrode on charge transport through short DNA molecules: A numerical study, Physics Letters A 364, 48-53 (2007). (Link)

【6】Ai-Min Guo and Hui Xu, Sequence dependent charge transport through DNA molecules: The role of periodicity and long-range correlations, Physica B: Condensed Matter 391, 292-298 (2007). (Link)

【5】Hui Xu, Ai-Min Guo, and Song-Shan Ma, The influence of base pair sequence on electronic structure of DNA molecules, Acta Physica Sinica 56, 1208-1213 (2007) (in Chinese). (Link)

【4】Jian-Rong Xiao, Hui Xu, Ai-Min Guo, and Huan-You Wang, Study on FN-DLC thin films: (II) effect of radio frequency power on the optical band gap of the thin films, Acta Physica Sinica 56, 1809-1814 (2007) (in Chinese). (Link)

【3】Jian-Rong Xiao, Hui Xu, Ai-Min Guo, and Huan-You Wang, Study of FN-DLC thin films: (I) sp structure and chemical bond analysis, Acta Physica Sinica 56, 1802-1808 (2007) (in Chinese). (Link)

【2】Song-Shan Ma, Hui Xu, Xiao-Liang Liu, and Ai-Min Guo, Characteristics of the electronic structure of DNA sequence, Acta Physica Sinica 55, 3170-3174 (2006) (in Chinese). (Link)

【1】Xiao-Liang Liu, Hui Xu, Song-Shan Ma, Chao-Sheng Deng, and Ai-Min Guo, The localized properties of electronic states and conductivity of DNA sequence, Acta Physica Sinica 55, 5562-5567 (2006) (in Chinese). (Link)