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[1] Wang, Y, Guo, R.*, Liu, J., Li, J., Liu, R., Chen, H., Cao, X., Yin, Z, and Cao C. 2024. A divergence free vector finite element method for efficient 3D magnetotelluric forward modeling. Geophysics, 89(1), E1-E11.

[2] Wang, Y., Liu, J., Guo, R.*, Pan K., Yang, G., Li J., Deng X., and Xue W. 2024. A robust and scalable multigrid solver for 3D low-frequency electromagnetic diffusion problems. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 62, 1-9, Art no. 2002509. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3366542.

[3] Guo, R., Xue, P., Liu, J., Wang, Y.*, Tian, S., Li, J., and Xue, W. 2024. Natural source electromagnetic survey for geothermal application in industrial area with strong electromagnetic noise. Frontiers in Energy Research. 12, 1298841. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2024.1298841.

[4] Rongwen Guo, Ming Yu, Yongfei Wang*, Jianxin Liu, Akande Akintunde Abiodun, Dengkang Wang, and Xinhao Chen. 2024, Divergence-Free: A Crucial Strategy to Speed Upthe Convergence of a Multigrid Solver for 3D Natural Source Electromagnetic Modeling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,12. Art no. 5936508, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3506739.

[5] Hang Chen, Zhengyong Ren, Jianxin Liu, Zhengguang Liu, Rongwen Guo*, Yongfei Wang, Dongdong He,Improving deep groundwater aquifer characterization with deep learning inversion of audio-frequency magnetotelluric data,Journal of Hydrology,Volume 640,2024,131680,ISSN 0022-1694. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131680

[6] Guo, R., Tian, S., Liu, J., Cui, Y.-a., Cao, C*. Efficient Trans-Dimensional Bayesian Inversion of C-Response Data from Geomagnetic Observatory and Satellite Magnetic Data. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10944. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142310944

[7] 柳建新,李成龙,郭荣文*,蒋奇云.伪随机广域电磁法自动采集系统关键技术[J].中国有色金属学报,2024,34(09):3178-3192.


[1] 郭荣文,侯生,柳建新,李健,王永斐*,李锐钦.2023.基于正则化约束项的球坐标系大地电磁快速正演研究.地球物理学报.66(9):3947-3958.

[2] 郭荣文,童菀清,柳建新,王永斐,殷自辉,陈杭*.2023.基于形态聚类的频率域大地电磁数据去噪新方法研究.中南大学学报.10.3937-3948

[3] Yang, G., Liu, J., Guo, R. *, Liu, C., Wang, Y., Li J., and Pan, K.,  2023. An Efficient Multigrid Solver With Two-Color Plane Gauss-Seidel Smoother for 3D Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Modeling, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 20, 1-5.

[4] Li, J., Guo, R., Liu, J.*, Wang, Y., & Wang, X., 2023. An efficient algebraic multi-resolution sampling approach to 3-D magnetotelluric modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 235, 166-177. 

[5] Zhang Z, Liu J, Guo R, Kouadio K L, Zhan S, Li A, Liu R*, 2023. Electromagnetic monitoring with local mesh for time-lapse monitoring of hydraulic fracturing, 212, 104995.

[6] Yao, H, Ren, Z.*, Tang, J., Guo, R., Yan, J. 2023 Trans-dimensional Bayesian joint inversion of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding responses to constrain mantle electrical discontinuities. Geophysical Journal International, 233(3), 1821-1846, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggad029

[7] 柳建新,刘嵘,郭荣文,童孝忠,谢维.2023. 电磁法在有色金属矿产勘查中的研究进展. 中国有色金属学报. 33(1). 261-284


[1] Guo R, Wang Y, Egbert G D, Liu J, Liu R, Pan K, Li J, & Chen H. An efficient multigrid solver based on a 4-color cell-block Gauss-Seidel smoother for 3D Magnetotelluric forward modeling. Geophysics, 2022, 87(3), E121-E133, doi:10.1190/geo2021-0275.1.

[2] 王永斐, 柳建新, 郭荣文*, 刘嵘, 李健, 陈杭, 杨刚强. 基于几何多重网格预条件技术的三维大地电磁高效正演模拟. 地球物理学报,2022,65(5):1839-1852,doi:10.6038/cjg2022P0110.

[3] Li J, Liu J, Guo R*, Liu R, Wang Y, & Chen H. Extension of the regularization technique to controlled-source electromagnetic modeling in general anisotropic conductivity media. Geophysics, 2022, 87(4), E243–E251. doi: 10.1190/geo2021-0319.1.

[4] Liu, R., Feng, D., & Guo, R., *. 2021. 3-D Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Method Based on Footprint-Guided CFEM Modeling. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1-5. 

[5]  Liu, R., Shen, X., Chen, C., Liu, J., Xiao, J., Sun, M. & Guo, R. * 2022. Detection of boulder using GEM-2 EM system based on three-dimensional inversion algorithm. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 196(4), 104516. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2021.104516

[6] 袁洋, 崔益安, 陈波*, 赵广东, 柳建新, 郭荣文. 2022. 基于BTTB矩阵的快速高精度三维磁场正演. 地球物理学报, (3): 1107-1124, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022P0126

[7]  Li J, Liu J, Xue J, Guo R, Chen H & Liu R*. 2022. A Feasibility Study of CSEM in Geological Advance Forecast with Horizontal Casing Well. Minerals 12(5):638. doi: 10.3390/min12050638.

[8]  Pan, K., Wang, J. *, Hu, S., Ren, Z., Cui, T., Guo, R. & Tang, J. 2022. An efficient cascadic multigrid solver for 3D magnetotelluric forward modeling problems using potentials, Geophysical Journal International, 230(3): 1834-1851. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggac152.


[1] Zeng, L., Li, J., Liu, J., Guo, R., Chen, H., and Liu R. 2021. Efficient filter generation based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. IEEE Access,                                               doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3056464

[2] Wang, X., Liu, J., Dai, S., Guo, R. *, Li, J., and Fan, P. 2021. Fast numerical simulation of 2D gravity anomaly based on nonuniform fast Fourier transform in mixed space-wavenumber domain. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 194(104465). doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2021.104465


[1] Liu, R., Liu, J., Wang, J., Liu, Z., & Guo, R *. 2020. 1D EM response modeling with arbitrary source-receiver geometry based on vector potential and its implementation in    Matlab. Geophysics,85(3) F27–F38.

[2] Xue, Y., Liu, J., Liu, R., Liu, Z., Guo, R. *, & Cao, C. 2020. Effect of Displacement Current on the Finite-Difference Modeling of Natural Source Electromagnetic Diffusion.      Applied Sciences, doi:10.3390/app10082744 .

[3] Chen, H., Guo, R. *, Dong, H., Wang, Y., & Li, J. 2020. Comparison of stable maximum likelihood estimator with traditional robust estimator in magnetotelluric impedance        estimation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104046.

[4] Liu, R., Liu, J., Wang, J., Liu, Z., & Guo, R. * 2020. A time-lapse CSEM monitoring study for hydraulic fracturing in shale gas reservoir. Marine and Petroleum Geology,            104545. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104545

[5] Li, J., Liu, J., Egbert, G. D., Liu, R., Guo, R. *, & Pan, K. 2020. An Efficient Preconditioner for 3-D Finite Difference Modeling of the Electromagnetic Diffusion Process in the   Frequency Domain, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(1):500-509.

[6] Liu, R., Liu, J., Liu, C., Guo, R., Wang, H., & Liu, Z*. 2020. A feasibility study of the wide-field electromagnetic method for hidden ore deposits prospecting. Journal of               Applied Geophysics, 104121. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104121.

[7] Tong, X., Sun, Y. *, & Guo, R. 2020. A Chebyshev pseudo-spectral approach for simulating magnetotelluric TM-mode responses on 2D structures. Journal of Applied                   Geophysics, 104085. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104085

[8] Li, J., Liu, R., Guo, R. *, Wang, Y., & Wang, X. 2020. 3D finite difference modeling of controlled-source electromagnetic response in frequency domain based on a modified 

curl-curl equation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 104202. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.10420.


[1] Wang, Y., Liu, J., Liu, R., Guo, R. *, & Feng D. 2019. Frequency-domain Magnetotelluric footprint analysis for 3D earths. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,                    16(6):1151-1163.

[2] Guo, R., Liu, L., Liu, J., Sun, Y., & Liu, R*. 2019. Effect of data error correlations on trans-dimensional MT Bayesian inversions. Earth, Planets and Space. 71(1), 1-13.

[3] Bello, M. A. *, Guo, R., & Liu, J. 2019. Forward plane-wave electromagnetic model in three dimensions using hybrid finite volume-integral equation scheme. Geophysical        prospecting, 67: 2213-2226.

[4] Liu, R., Guo, R., Liu, J., & Liu, Z*. 2019. An Efficient Footprint-Guided Compact Finite Element Algorithm for 3-D Airborne Electromagnetic Modeling. IEEE Geoscience        and Remote Sensing Letters, 16(12):1809-1813.

[5] Bello, M. A., Liu, J. *, & Guo, R*. 2019. Three-Dimensional Wide-Band Electromagnetic Forward Modelling Using Potential Technique. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(7): 1328.

[6] Zhao, G., Chen, B. *, Uieda, L., Liu, J. *, Kaban, M. K., Chen, L., & Guo, R. 2019. Efficient 3D largescale forwardmodeling and inversion of gravitational fields in              spherical coordinates with application to lunar mascons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

[7] Ma, C., Liu, J., Liu, H., Guo, R., Musa, B., & Cui, Y*. 2019. 2.5D electric resistivity forward modeling with element-free Galerkin method. Journal of Applied Geophysics,          162:47-57.


[1] Xiang, E., Guo, R. *, Dosso, S. E., Liu, J., Dong, H, & Reng, Z. 2018. Efficient hierarchical trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion of magnetotelluric data. Geophysical                     Journal   International, 213(3): 1751-1767.

[2] Liu, R., Guo, R., Liu, J., Ma, C., & Guo, Z*. 2018. A hybrid solver based on the integral equation method and vector finite-element method for 3D controlled-source                           electromagnetic method modeling. Geophysics, 83(5): E319–E333.

[3] 麻昌英, 柳建新*, 郭荣文, 孙娅, 崔益安, 刘嵘, 刘海飞, 2018. 耦合有限单元法扩边的直流电阻率勘探无单元Galerkin法正演.地球物理学报, 61 (6): 2578-2588


[1] Sun, Y., Liu, J., Zhou, K., Chen, B. *, & Guo, R. 2015. Crustal structure and deformation under the Longmenshan and its surroundings revealed by receiver function data. 

     Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 244, 11–22.

[2] Feng, D.*, Guo, R., & Wang. H. 2015. An element-free Galerkin method for ground penetrating radar numerical simulation,.Journal of Central South University, 22(1):261-269.  


[1] Guo, R. *, Dosso, S. E., Liu, J., Liu, Z., & Tong, X. 2014.Frequency- and spatial-correlated noise on layered magnetotelluric inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 

      199(2): 1205-1213

[2] Tong, X. *, Liu, J., Guo, R., Liu, H., & Gong, L. 2014. Three-dimensional magnetotelluric regularized inversion based on smoothness-constrained model. Transactions of 

      Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 24(2), 509–513.

[3] Liu, H. *, Liu, J., Guo, R., Tong, X., Gong, L., & Peng, Y. 2014. Development of multi-channel observation and inversion for IP electrical sounding method. Transactions of               Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 24(3), 816–823.


[1] Guo, R. *, Dosso, S. E., Liu, J., Dettmer, J., & Tong, X. 2011. Non-linearity in Bayesian 1-D magnetotelluric inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 185(2), 663–675.

[2] Liu, J., Guo, R. *, Tong, X., Liu, C., & Liu, Y. 2011. A decorrelation-based hybrid global search algorithm for inversion of 1D magnetotelluric data. Journal of Geophysics and

    Engineering, 8(2), 225–232.


[1] Ren, Z. *, Tang, J., Wang, F., Xiao, X., Liu, C., & Guo, R. 2009. Object-oriented implementation of 3D DC adaptive finite-element method. Frontiers of Earth Science in China,       4(2), 229–236.

[2] Tang, J., Wang, F.*, Ren, Z., & Guo, R. 2010.3D direct current resistivity forward modeling by adaptive multigrid finite element method. J.Cent. South Univ. Technol. 



[1] Tong, X., Liu, J.*, Xu, L., Xie, W., Guo, R., & Cheng, Y. 2009.Finite element numerical simulation of three-dimensional forward modeling in magnetotelluric sounding.

     J.Cent. South Univ. Technol, 16(1):136-142.