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Journal Publications
[1]Kang M, Sun CH, Wu MX, Wang JJ, Liao Q, Lu HB, *Hu JZ, Wu JW.Effect of sacral nerve electrostimulation on sex dysfunction in male rats with spinal cord injury.Asian Bio, 2012, 6: 895-902.
[2]Lu HB, Li DZ, Wu TD, Cao Y, Hu JZ.Micro-CT as a tool to investigate the efficacy of Tetramethylpyrazine in a rat spinal cord injury model.SPINE, 2016, 10: 1097.
[3]Lu HB, Lang Y, Yin XZ, Wu TD, Zhang T, Cao Y, Ni SF, Hu JZ.The Angiogenic Effect of microRNA-21 Targeting TIMP3 through the Regulation of MMP2 and MMP9.Plos one, 2016, 11: 191-202.
[4]*Lu HB, Du GH, He Y, Liu HQ, Zeng L, Wu TD, Hu JZ.Visualization of microvasculature by X-ray in-line phase contrast imaging in rat spinal cord.Phys Med Biol, 2012, 57 (5) : 55-63.
[5]*Lu HB, Cao M, Wang G, Zeng L, Huang JH, Hu JZ.Anti-Apoptotic Effect of MicroRNA-21 after Contusion Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.Jounal of Neurotrauma, 2013, 30: 1349-1360.
[6]*Lu HB, Pang J, Zhao YF, Zhang T, Wu TD, Hu JZ.Three-dimensional alteration of microvasculature in a rat model of traumatic spinal cord injury.J Neurosci Methods, 2012, 1 (204) : 150-158.
[7]*Lu HB, Li XM, Li JH, Xiao ZM, Huang JH, Hu JZ.Tetramethylpyrazine accelerates the function recovery of traumatic spinal cord in rat model by attenuating in?ambition.J Neurol Sci, 2013, 324 (1) : 94-99.
[8]*Lu Hongbin, Li Dongzhe, Wu Tianding, Cao Yong, Hu Jianzhong.High-resolution three-dimensional visualization of the rat spinal cord microvasculature by synchrotron radiation micro-CT.Medical Physics, 2014, 10 (41) : 101904 - 101904.
[9]*Lu HB, Zhou Y, Wu TD, Long H, Hu JZ.The Effect of Estrogen-Related Receptor Alpha on The Regulation of Angiogenesis After Spinal Cord Injury.Neuroscience, 2015, 290: 570-580.
[10]*Lu HB, Wang G, Huang JH, Zeng L, Hu JZ.miR-126 promotes angiogenesis and attenuates inflammation after contusion spinal cord injury in rats.Brain Research, 2015, 1608: 191 - 202.
[11]*Lu HB, Zhang T, Cao Y, Lang Ye, Hu JZ.The Neuroprotective Effect of Tetramethylpyrazine Against Contusive Spinal Cord Injury by Activating PGC-1 alpha in Rats.Neurochemical Research, 2015, 7 (40) : 1393 - 1401.
[12]Lu HB, *Hu JZ, Ni SF, Li DZ, Yuan Z, Wu TD, Cao Y.Three-dimensional imaging of microvasculature in the rat spinal cord following injury.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5
[13]*Lu H, Li D, Wu T, Cao Y, Hu J.3D angioarchitecture changes after spinal cord injury in rats using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast tomography.Spinal Cord, 2015, 53 (8) : 585-590.
[14]胡建中, 倪双飞, 徐大启, 张涛, 王小勇, 黄建军.钛网与自体髂骨应用于颈椎前路手术的研究.中国矫形外科杂志, 2015, 23 (23)
[15]胡建中, 周源, 李东哲, 曹勇, 吴天定, 吕红斌, 徐伟.急性脊髓损伤后微血管变化的形态学研究.中华实验外科杂志, 2014, 31 (11) : 2534-2536.
[16]胡建中, 周源, 徐伟, 李东哲, 曹勇, 吴天定, 吕红斌, 倪双飞.大鼠脊髓血供网络的同步辐射类同轴相位衬度成像.中华实验外科杂志, 2014, 31 (2) : 392-394.
[17]胡建中, 段春岳, 张保亮, 葛磊, 王锡阳, 徐大启.后路经椎弓根病灶清除、自体及同种异体骨植骨融合并节段性内固定治疗胸腰椎结核.中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2009, 13 (22) : 4349-4354.
[18]徐大启, 王锡阳, 刘金洋, 李兵, 胡建中*, 卓祥龙.两种术式治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效比较.中国修复重建外科杂志, 2010, 24 (8) : 908-912.
[19]胡建中, 刘金洋, 王锡阳, 康意军, 段春岳.后路椎间盘切除治疗下胸椎椎间盘突出症.中华骨科杂志, 2010, 30 (11) : 1077-1081.
[20]雷光华, 林涨源, 李康华, 胡建中*, 徐大启, 王华.人工椎间盘置换对腰椎小关节应力影响的三维有限元分析(英文).中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2010, 26: 4915-4919.
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