Chen Jiang

Doctoral Degree in Engineering

With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Personal Information

Date of Birth:1989-04-18
Date of Employment:2019-10-11
Business Address:铁道校区高速列车研究中心北楼311


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l1989年生,工学博士,副教授/博导 ,中南大学轨道列车转向架积雪结冰风洞实验室负责人l研究方向:轨道列车空气动力学、转向架积雪结冰、计算力学、光滑有限元法、流固耦合力学、并行计算,工业软件开发,深度学习等l电子邮箱:jiangchen2007 at l联系电话:13007485895 l学习经历:2007~2011年,湖南大学,工程力学,本科2011~2017年,湖南大学,力学,硕博连读2014~2016年,美国辛辛那提大学,航空工程,公派联合培养l工作经历:2019年—,中南大学交通运输工程学院,副教授 2017.7-2019.7 中南大学交通运输工程学院,博士后l科研项目:主持国家、省部级及重大校企合作科研课题9项国家自然科学基金面上项目-风致积雪中流-固-颗粒三相的S-FEM和SPH耦合模拟研究(53万,主持)湖南省自然科学基金面上项目-轨道车辆风雪两相流的S-FEM-DPM耦合模拟研究(5万,主持)国家重点研发计划(子课题)-基于底部流动控制的列车气动阻力优化 (30万,主持)国家自然科学基金青年项目-带接触强流固耦合的笛卡尔网格自适应浸没边界S-FEM研究(24万,主持)湖南省自然科学基金青年项目-基于光滑有限元法的车辆空气动力学数值模拟(5万,主持)中国博士后科学基金-高速列车流固耦合问题的光滑有限元算法研究(5万,主持)企业横向课题-碳陶制动盘流体动力学研究(38万,主持)企业横向课题-吸能装置精细化仿真及冲击试验(245万,主持)企业横向课题-160公里动力集中型动车组、符合TSI标准的双层动车组的防冰雪空气动力学仿真计算及防护方案设计(85万,主持)企业横向课题-动车组轴装制动盘流体动力学计算(20万,主持)l科研获奖:获省部级奖励3项高铁隧道气压爆波控制关键技术与应用,中国交通运输协会科技进步一等奖,2024 (排4)高铁隧道压力波系变截面缓解技术,中国铁道学会科学技术二等奖,2022 (排11)高速列车转向架区域积雪结冰防治技术,中国交通运输协会科技进步二等奖,2020 (排10)l学生竞赛:一种适用于高速列车转向架舱端板的高频振动除冰装置,全国大学生交通运输科技大赛二等奖,2023 一种适用于高速列车转向架舱端板的高频振动除冰装置,中国创新创业大赛轨道交通产业技术创新专业赛(团队组),三等奖,2023l学术成果:第一/通信作者发表SCI论文24篇,授权国家发明专利8项学术论文 38. 钟元木,曾雪莲,李景涛等.风沙环境下内燃机车内部沙相分布特性分析[J].南京理工大学学报,2024 37. 柳宁,李岩松,龙金兰等.高速列车流线型转向架与底部导流板的气动减阻效果研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2024,21(01):38-47. 36. 金星,洪晨,刘楠,施玉奇,王炳锟,姜琛*等.碳陶轴装制动盘泵风效应及对流散热性能数值仿真研究[J].武汉理工大学学报,2023,45(11):132-138. 35. 商雯斐,高广军,姜琛*.城际列车梳齿状涡流发生器气动减阻研究[J].铁道学报,2023,45(09):56-63.34. 姜琛,龙金兰,高广军等.高速列车底部导流板的气动减阻特性研究[J].湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2023,50(10):151-163. 33.Wang T, Zhou G, Jiang C, Shi F, Tian X, Gao G. A coupled cell-based smoothed finite element method and discrete phase model for incompressible laminar flow with dilute solid particles. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2022; 143:190–206. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.05.014. 32. Jiang C, Hong C, Wang T, Zhou G. N-Side Cell-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Incompressible Flow with Heat Transfer Problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2023; 146:749–766. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.11.025. 31. Liu M, Gao G, Khoo BC, He Z, Jiang C*. A cell-based smoothed finite element model for non-Newtonian blood flow. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2022; 435:127480. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2022.127480. 30. Su J, Zhou C, Jiang C*, Zheng M. The movement law and orientation control of rectangular particles in the viscous fluid domain based on IS-FEM. Advanced Powder Technology 2022; 33(7):103634. doi:10.1016/j.apt.2022.103634. 29. Zhang Y, Wang J, Jiang C, Zhang J, Wang T, Gao G. Investigation of ice and snow accumulations on the bogie areas of high-speed trains using ice wind tunnel experiments. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2022; 199:103560. doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103560.28. Wu S-W, Jiang C, Liu GR, Wan D-T, Jiang C. An n-sided polygonal selective smoothed finite element method for nearly incompressible visco-hyperelastic soft materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2022; 107:398–428. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2022.02.026.27. Wang T, Wang Y, Gao G, Zhao C, Jiang C*. Experimental investigations on the performance of anti-snow designs for urban rail train bogies. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 2022; 221:104913. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2022.104913.26. Gao G, Zhang Y, Miao X, Wang J, Zhang J, Jiang C*. Influence of bogie fairing configurations on the snow accretion around bogie regions of a high-speed train under crosswind conditions. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 2021:1–18. doi:10.1080/15397734.2021.2003711.25. Zhang Y, Jiang C*, Zhan X. Modelling the multi-physics of wind-blown sand impacts on high-speed train. Wind and Structures 2021; 32(5):487–499. doi:10.12989/WAS.2021.32.5.487.24. Liu M, Gao G, Zhu H, Jiang C*, Liu GR. A cell-based smoothed finite element method (CS-FEM) for three-dimensional incompressible laminar flows using mixed wedge-hexahedral element. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2021 (Accepted, in-print)23. Liu M, Gao G, Jiang C*. A Cell-based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Incompressible Turbulent Flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2021. (Accepted, in-print)22. Liu M, Zhu H, Gao G, Jiang C*, Liu GR. A semi-implicit characteristic-based polynomial pressure projection for FEM to solve incompressible flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2021; ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/HFF-04-2020-0184.21. Gao G, Chen Q, Jiang C*, Wang T, Liu M, Liu G. A stabilized finite element method based on characteristic‐based polynomial pressure projection scheme for incompressible flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2021:fld.4963. doi:10.1002/fld.4963.20. Wu S-W, Jiang C, Jiang C*, Niu R-P, Wan D-T, Liu GR. A unified-implementation of smoothed finite element method (UI-SFEM) for simulating biomechanical responses of multi-materials orthodontics. Computational Mechanics 2021. doi:10.1007/s00466-020-01947-6.19. Liu M, Gao G, Zhu H, Jiang C*. A cell-based smoothed finite element method stabilized by implicit SUPG/SPGP/Fractional step method for incompressible flow. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2021; 124:194–210. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2020.12.018.18. Liu M, Gao G, Zhu H, Jiang C*, Liu G. A Cell-based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Arbitrary Polygonal Element to Solve Incompressible Laminar Flow. International Journal of Computational Methods 2020:S0219876221500171. doi:10.1142/S0219876221500171.17. Yan B, Wang S, Zhang G, Jiang C*, Xiao Q, Sun Z. A sharp-interface immersed smoothed point interpolation method with improved mass conservation for fluid-structure interaction problems. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2020; 32(2):267–285. doi:10.1007/s42241-020-0025-1.15. S.W. Wu, M. Li, C. Jiang, G.R. Liu, Solution Bounds and Nearly Exact Solutions for 3D Nonlinear Problems of Large Deformation of Solids Using S-Fem, International Journal of Computational Methods. 17 (2018) 1845007. (已录用, JCRQ4, 他引:1)14. Gao G, Chen Q, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Tian Z, Jiang C*. A Numerical Study on the Anti-Snow Performance of Deflectors on a High-Speed Train Bogie Frame. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2020. doi:10.1007/s11517-019-02118-3.(已录用, JCRQ4, 他引:1)13. Huo SH, Jiang C*, Cui X, Liu GR. A high-fidelity 3D S-FEM stress analysis of a highly heterogeneous swine skull. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2020, 58, 625-641. doi:10.1007/s11517-019-02118-3. (他引:1)12. Jiang, Chen, Zhi-Qian Zhang, Guang-Jun Gao, and G.R. Liu. “A Modified Immersed Smoothed FEM with Local Field Reconstruction for Fluid–Structure Interactions.” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 107 (October 2019): 218–32. (他引:4)11. Jiang C, Zhang Z-Q, Han X, Liu G, Gao G-J, Lin T. A quasi-implicit characteristic-based penalty finite-element method for incompressible laminar viscous flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2018; 114(2):147–171. doi:10.1002/nme.5738. (JCRQ1, 7分,他引:3)10. Jiang C, Yao J-Y, Zhang Z-Q, Gao G-J, Liu GR. A sharp-interface immersed smoothed finite element method for interactions between incompressible flows and large deformation solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 340:24–53. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2018.04.032. (中科院Q1, 7分,他引:14)9. Chen Jiang, Zhi-Qian Zhang, Xu Han, Guirong Liu, Tao Lin. A cell-based smoothed finite element method with semi-implicit CBS procedures for incompressible laminar viscous flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2018; 86(1):20–45. doi:10.1002/fld.4406.(JCR Q3 3分,他引21)8. Jiang C, Han X, Zhang Z-Q, Liu GR, Gao G-J. A Locking-Free Face-Based S-FEM via Averaging Nodal Pressure using 4-Nodes Tetrahedrons for 3D Explicit Dynamics and Quasi-statics. International Journal of Computational Methods 2017:1850043. doi:10.1142/S0219876218500433. (JCR Q3 3分,他引:4次)7. Jiang C, Han X, Liu GR, Zhang Z-Q, Yang G, Gao G-J. Smoothed finite element methods (S-FEMs) with polynomial pressure projection (P3) for incompressible solids. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2017; 84:253–269. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2017.07.022.(JCR Q2 5分,他引:4次)6. W. Zeng, G.R. Liu, C. Jiang, T. Nguyen-Thoi, Y. Jiang, A generalized beta finite element method with coupled smoothing techniques for solid mechanics, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 73 (2016) 103–119. Jiang C, Zhang Z-Q, Liu GR, Han X, Zeng W. An edge-based/node-based selective smoothed finite element method using tetrahedrons for cardiovascular tissues. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2015; 59:62–77. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2015.04.019. (JCR Q1, 7分,引用:31)4. Jiang C, Liu G-R, Han X, Zhang Z-Q, Zeng W. A smoothed finite element method for analysis of anisotropic large deformation of passive rabbit ventricles in diastole. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2015; 31(1):1–25. doi:10.1002/cnm.2697. (JCR Q1 7分,引用:25)3. Jiang C, Zhang Z-Q, Han X, Liu GR. re. Selective smoothed finite element methods for extremely large deformation of anisotropic incompressible bio-tissues. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2014; 99(8):587–610. doi:10.1002/nme.4694. (中科院Q2, 7分,引用:22)2. 龙述尧, 姜琛. 中厚板理论的适用范围和精确程度的研究. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版).2012; 39(1): 37-41.1. 龙述尧, 姜琛, 郑娟. 三维弹性静力问题的无网格局部Petrov-Galerkin法. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版).2013; 40(12): 55-61.专利 10. 姜琛,商雯斐,高广军等. 一种城际列车用扰流装置[P]. 湖南省:CN113264070B,2023-09-29.9. 高广军,姜琛,张洁等. 一种高速列车用低阻力流线型转向架[P]. 湖南省:CN113815667B,2022-09-13.8. 高广军,张琰,姜琛,王田天,王家斌,王钰. 一种转向架积雪结冰风洞试验用的模拟车体[P]. 湖南省:CN113447231B, 2022.7. 高广军,张洁,姜琛,王田天,苗秀娟,张琰,王家斌. 一种轨道列车转向架积雪结冰风洞试验系统及试验方法[P]. 湖南省:CN113029610B,2022-05-27.6. 高广军,姜琛,王田天,张洁,张琰,王家斌. 一种转向架积雪结冰风洞试验系统的风雪分离装置[P]. 湖南省:CN112880965B,2022-05-17.5. 高广军,张洁,姜琛,王田天,苗秀娟,张琰,王家斌. 一种轨道列车转向架积雪结冰风洞试验系统及试验方法[P]. 湖南省:CN113029610B,2022-05-27.4. 高广军,张洁,姜琛,李锋. 一种双层风阻制动装置、双层司机室结构及高速列车[P]. 湖南省:CN111976754B,2021-11-02.3. 高广军,张洁,姜琛,李锋. 一种具有风阻制动装置的高速列车司机室及高速列车[P]. 湖南省:CN111976755B,2021-12-14.2. 高广军,关维元,王帅,姜琛,彭勇. 一种可重复使用的轨道车辆用碰撞吸能装置[P]. 湖南省:CN108860206B,2019-05-28.1. 高广军,王帅,姜琛,关维元,彭勇. 一种可重复使用的轨道车辆防碰撞用吸能结构[P]. 湖南省:CN109204368B,2019-07-02.l学术兼职:计算力学期刊IJNME审稿专家计算力学IJCM审稿专家海洋工程期刊Ocean Engineering审稿专家

2007.9  to  2011.6
 University graduated 

2013.9  to  2017.6
 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

2007.9  to  2011.6
 Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

2013.9  to  2017.6
 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study 
 Doctoral Degree in Engineering

2019.10  to  Now

2017.7  to  2019.7


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