Low-Power Logic Computing Realized in a Single Electric-Double-Layer MoS2 Transistor Gated with Polymer Electrolyte. Solid-State Electronics, 2018, 144: 1-6 (IF:1.901)
合写作者:Dingdong Xie
第一作者:Junjie Guo
通讯作者:Jie Jiang*(蒋杰,通讯作者), Bingchu Yang*
上一条: Recent Progress on Neuromorphic Synapse Electronics: From Emerging Materials, Devices, to Neural Networks. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18: 8003-8015 (IF:1.134)
下一条: Low-voltage electric-double-layer MoS2 transistor gated via water solution. Solid State Electronics, 2018, 150: 8-15 (IF:1.901)