
副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
















刘锦,男,中南大学计算机学院副教授,博/硕士研究生导师,湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师,CCF高级会员,CSIG脑图谱专业委员会委员,CCF生物信息学专委会委员,湖南省神经科学学会帕金森病及运动障碍疾病专委会委员,主要研究方向是人工智能、医疗及健康大数据分析与挖掘、健康监测智能设备研发等。目前已在IEEE TMI、MedIA、IEEE/ACM TCBB、ACL、AAAI等国际学术期刊或会议上发表高水平学术论文60余篇,其中1篇Featured Article,ESI Top 1% 高被引论文6篇,最佳论文奖5次,据Google Scholar统计显示总引用2800余次,单篇最高引用400余次,h指数为27,Big Data Mining and Analytics》,《工程科学学报》等国内外期刊青年编委。主持或作为科研骨干参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上基金、湖南省重点领域研发计划等省部级科研项目10余项,荣获湖南省优秀博士论文,中国研究型医院学会医学研究创新二等奖、湖南省医学会医学科学技术奖一等奖等多项学术奖励。


代表性论文:(DBLPGoogle Scholar)

  1. 【1】Jin Liu, Xiaokang Pan, Junwen Duan, Hong-Dong Li, Youqi Li, and Zhe Qu. Faster Stochastic Variance Reduction Methods for Compositional MiniMax Optimization. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(12), 13927-13935, 2024.

  2. 【2】Jin Liu, Hao Du, Rui Guo, Harrison X. Bai, Hulin Kuang, and Jianxin Wang. MMGK: Multimodality Multiview Graph Representations and Knowledge Embedding for Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11(1): 389-398, 2024.

  3. 【3】Rui Guo, Xu Tian, Hanhe Lin, Stephen McKenna, Hongdong Li, Fei Guo, and Jin Liu*. Graph-based Fusion of Imaging, Genetic and Clinical data for Degenerative Disease Diagnosis. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 21(1): 57- 68, 2024.

  4. 【4】Jin Liu, Weixing Zeng, Shichao Kan, Min Li, Ruiqing Zheng, CAKE: a flexible self-supervised framework for enhancing cell visualization, clustering and rare cell identification, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 25(1), bbad475, 2024.

  5. 【5】Junwen Duan, Fangyuan Wei, Hongdong Li, Tianming Liu, Jianxin Wang and Jin Liu*. CDA: A Contrastive Data Augmentation Method for Alzheimer's Disease Detection. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 1819–1826.

  6. 【6】Jianhong Cheng, Jin Liu*, Hulin Kuang, and Jianxin Wang. A Fully Automated Multimodal MRI-based Multi-task Learning for Glioma Segmentation and IDH Genotyping. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 41(6): 1520-1532, 2022. (ESI高被引)

  7. 【7】Junjian Li, Jin Liu*, Hailin Yue, Jianhong Cheng, Hulin Kuang, Harrison Bai, Yuping Wang, and Jianxin Wang. DARC: Deep Adaptive Regularized Clustering for Histopathological Image Classification. Medical Image Analysis, 80: 102521, 2022.

  8. 【8】Jianhong Cheng, Jin Liu*, Hailin Yue, Harrison Bai, Yi Pan, and Jianxin Wang. Prediction of Glioma Grade using Intratumoral and Peritumoral Radiomic Features from Multiparametric MRI Images. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(2): 1084-1095, 2022. 

  9. 【9】Ningzhi Gou, Yizhen Xiang, Jiansong Zhou, Simei Zhang, Shaoling Zhong, Juntao Lu, Xiaoxi Liang, Jin Liu*, and Xiaoping Wang. Identification of Violent Patients with Schizophrenia Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach at the Individual Level. Psychiatry Research, 306: 114294, 2021.

  10. 【10】Jin Liu, Min Li, Wei Lan, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yi Pan, and Jianxin Wang. Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Using Whole Brain Hierarchical Network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 15(2):624-632. 2018. (Featured Article, ESI 高被引)


[1]   2013.9-2017.11

中南大学  |  计算机科学与技术  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业

[2]   2010.9-2013.6

中国科学院大学  |  计算机技术  |  硕士学位  |  硕士研究生毕业


[1]   2018.3-至今

中南大学  |  计算机学院  |  讲师、副教授