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教师英文名称:Mengqiu Long
办公地点:科研办公室:新校区物理楼608 行政办公室:新校区物理楼337 研究生办公室:新校区物理楼526、604
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主要从事低维纳米材料与器件载流子输运性质、分子尺度纳米电子学、能源材料与器件电子态理论、宇宙尘埃形核机理以及大中衔接的物理教学创新等研究,在JACS、ACS Nano、JPCL、APL、Science Bulletin等国际著名期刊上发表科研论文150余篇,被SCI引用6000余次;先后承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、青年项目等5项,省部级项目7项;教改项目2项。主讲“数学物理方法”、“大学物理”、“固体物理”等本科生课程,以及“凝聚态物理理论”(博)和“计算物理”(硕)等研究生课程。
1. Mengqiu Long, Ling Tang, Dong Wang, Yuliang Li, and Zhigang Shuai*, Electronic Structure and Carrier Mobility in Graphdiyne Sheet and Nanoribbons: Theoretical Predictions, ACS Nano, 5, 2593-2600, 2011;
2. Meng-Qiu Long, Ling Tang, Dong Wang, Linjun Wang, and Zhigang Shuai, Theoretical predictions of size dependent carrier mobility and polarity in graphene. J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 131: 17728, 2009;
3. Qian Wang, Shuang Liu, Meng-Qiu Long*, and Yun-Peng Wang*, Regulation of magnon-phonon coupling by phonon angular momentum in two-dimensional systems, Phys. Rev. B 108, 174426, 2023;
4. Da-Wei Wu, Yong-Bo Yuan, Shuang Liu, Meng-Qiu Long,* and Yun-Peng Wang, First-principles study of spin-orbital coupling induced ferroelectricity in NiBr2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 054429 (2023);
5. Shuang Liu, Mengqiu Long*, and Yun-Peng Wang*, Theoretical Study on the Raman Effect Due to Magnons in TwoDimensional Magnets, Nano Lett., 23, 7427−7433, 2023;
6. Guo Shan, Jialin Li, Baoshan Zhang, Wenyong Chen, Guozhao Fang, Mengqiu Long*, and Shuquan Liang. Interfacial Thermodynamics-Inspired Electrolyte Strategy to Regulate Output Voltage and Energy Density of Battery Chemistry, Science Bulletin 67, 626, 2022;
7. Jiwei Dong, Bei Zhang*, Shidong Zhang, Yaoxing Sun, Mengqiu Long *, Effects of Interface Charge-Transfer Doping on Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Black Phosphorene-F4TCNQ Nanoscale Devices, Appl. Suf. Sci., 579, 152155, 2022;
8. Bei Zhang, Shidong Zhang, Jiwei Dong, Yaoxin Sun, Fangping Ouyang*, and Mengqiu Long*, Significantly enhanced thermoelectric performance in intermediate weak-coupling C8-BTBT molecular junctions with p/n-type electrode doping, J. Mater. Chem. C, 9, 12322-12329, 2021;
9. Yongju He, Bowen Zeng, Shuquan Liang, Mengqiu Long*, Hui Xu, Synthesis of pH-Responsive Biodegradable Mesoporous Silica−Calcium Phosphate Hybrid Nanoparticles as a High Potential Drug Carrier, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 44402-44409, 2017.
10. Jin Xiao, Mengqiu Long*, Xiaojiao Zhang, Dan Zhang, HuiXu, and K. S. Chan First-principles prediction of the charge mobility in black phosphorus semiconductor nanoribbons, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 4141-4147, 2015;
11. Ruiqing Wu, Chunhua Zhu, Guoliang Lü, Xiaojiao Zhang, Xizhen Lu, Jinlong Yu, Wujin Chen and Mengqiu Long*, Radiation Spectral Analysis of 3D Dust Molecular Clusters (PAHs) and Peptoids under Ionization and Electric Field in ISM, Res. Astron. Astrophys. 24 015004, 2024;
12. Wenhao Yang, Tong Chen∗, Luzhen Xie, Yang Yu, Cheng Luo and Mengqiu Long∗, Effect of vacancy defects on anisotropic electronic transport behaviors of CoN4C2 based 2D devices: a first-principles study, Nanotechnology 35, 085702, 2024;
13. Shuang Liu, Meng-Qiu Long, and Yun-Peng Wang*, Theoretical investigations on the magneto-Raman effect of CrI3, Phys. Rev. B 108, 184414, 2023;
14. Jialin Li, Mingming Li, Xuerui Shi, Jiajia Fei, Ximeng Tang, Yunpeng Wang, and Mengqiu Long*, Stacking Order-Dependent Electronic, Optical, and Charge Transport Properties of van der Waals GaS/WXY (X/Y = S, Se, Te) Heterostructures, J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 16588−16597, 2023;
15. Xiansheng Dong, Tong Chen,* Guogang Liu, Luzhen Xie, Guanghui Zhou,* and Mengqiu Long*, Multifunctional 2D g‑C4N3/MoS2 vdW Heterostructure-Based Nanodevices: Spin Filtering and Gas Sensing Properties, ACS Sens. 2022, 7, 3450;
16. 吴甜 姚梦丽 龙孟秋*, 钙钛矿CsPbX3(X=Cl, Br, I)与五环石墨烯范德瓦耳斯异质结的界面相互作用和光电性能的第一性原理研究,物理学报, 卷70, 期5 (2021) 056301;
17. Yongju He, Chuancun Shu*, Yu Guo, Mengqiu Long* and Hui Xu, Visualizing Ultrasmall Silica-CTAB Hybrid Nanoparticle for Generating High Photoluminescence, J. Mater. Chem. C, 8, 6413-6421,2020;
18. Jialin Li, Shidong Zhang, Yunpeng Wang, Haiming Duan and Mengqiu Long*, First Principles Study of Strain Modulation in S3P2/Black Phosphorene vdW Heterostructured Nanosheets for Flexible Electronics, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3, 4407-4417, 2020;
19. Shitan Wang, Jialin Li, Yuan Zhao, Baoxing Liu, Pan Yuan, Junhua Wei, Jianhua Zhang, Haipeng Xie, Dongmei Niu*, Mengqiu Long*, and Yongli Gao*,Effective passivation of black phosphorus against atmosphere by quasi-monolayer of F4TCNQ molecules, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 061602 (2020);
20. Jialin Li, Haiming Duan, Bowen Zeng, Qun Jing, Biaobin Cao, Fengjuan Chen, and Mengqiu Long*, Strain –induced band structure modulation in Boron Phosphorene/Blue Phosphorene vdW heterostructure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 26120-26129 (2018).