博士毕业于德克萨斯州大学艾尔帕索分校计算科学专业,目前主要从事计算生物物理研究。通过结合机器学习等,揭示不同生物大分子结构、功能、动态调控过程等的分子机制,开发了生物大分子构型变化模拟方法、离子位点预测软件(HIT系列)等。近年来, 在Brief. Bioinform., JCTC, CSBJ. 等国际知名杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇。Google Scholar:
1. Sun S, Rodriguez G, Zhao G, Sanchez JE, Guo W, Du D, et al. A novel approach to study multi-domain motions in JAK1’s activation mechanism based on energy landscape. Briefings in bioinformatics. 2024;25(2):bbae079.
2. Sun S, Xu H, Xie Y, Sanchez JE, Guo W, Liu D, et al. HIT-2: Implementing machine learning algorithms to treat bound ions in biomolecules. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2023;21:1383-9.
3. Sun S, Lopez JA, Xie Y, Guo W, Liu D, Li L. HIT web server: A hybrid method to improve electrostatic calculations for biomolecules. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2022;20:1580-3.
4. Sun S, Karki C, Gao BZ, Li L. Molecular mechanisms of cardiac actomyosin transforming from rigor state to post-rigor state. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2022;156(3).
5. Sun S, Karki C, Xie Y, Xian Y, Guo W, Gao BZ, et al. Hybrid method for representing ions in implicit solvation calculations. Computational and structural biotechnology journal. 2021;19:801-11.
6. Sun S, Karki C, Aguilera J, Lopez Hernandez AE, Sun J, Li L. Computational study on the function of palmitoylation on the envelope protein in SARS-CoV-2. Journal of chemical theory and computation. 2021;17(10):6483-90.