![]() Reserch Project1. 2011.01~2013.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China —“The role and defense mechanism of exosomes secreted from m acrophage against mycobacterium infection (81071326)”(Host) 2. 2005.01~2007.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China —“Functional analysis of the candidate tumor-suppressor gene MYETS1 located in 13q14.3 with multiple myeloma(30400529)”(Host) 3. 2004.06~2007.06 Hunan Provincial Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars —“Functional analysis of the candidate tumor-suppressor gene MYETS1 in multiple myeloma patients(04JJ1006)”(Host) 4. 2004.01~2006.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China —“Cloning and functional analysis of negative regulated gene in multiple myeloma patients(30300406)” (Participation) 5. 2003.01~2003.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China—“Cloning and functional analysis of tumor-suppressor gene in 13q14.3 with multiple myeloma(30270576)”(Participation) 6. 2001.01~2003.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China—“Cloning and functional analysis of the gene defensing Schistosoma japonicum in Microtus fortis(30070403)” (Participation) 7. 1999.01~2001.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China — “Construction the DNA fingerprints of valuable herbs and it’s application by means of AFLP(39800190)” (Participation)