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Journal Publications
[1]Ying Wen(文颖), B.H. Li.Rigid body qualified curved beam approach for lateral torsional buckling of arches[J].Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 2024, 52 (9) : 6889-6910.
[2]Y.Wen(文颖), Y.X. Liu, H.X. Song.Elastic lateral torsional buckling of beams under external moments: A new type of nonconservative problem[J].International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics, 2024, 24 (17) : 2450192.
[3]Y.Wen(文颖), W.J. He, W. Zhan, B.H. Li.Full beam formulation for the lateral torsional buckling analysis of elastic frames by considering the structural detail of beam-to-column joint[J].Thin-walled Structures, 2023, 183: 110414.
[4]文颖, 周志伟, 何文杰.基于连续支承压杆模型的轴心受压柱局部屈曲分析[J].力学与实践, 2023, 45 (3) : 627-631.
[5]Ying Wen(文颖), Zhiwei Zhou.Qualification of the Ernst formula for modeling the sag effect of super-long stay cables in the long-span railway cable-stayed bridges[J].Structures, 2022, 45: 99-109.
[6]Ying Wen(文颖), Z.L. Chen.A harmonic approach to the non-uniform torsion of box girder with edge cantilevers by fully considering the secondary torsional moment deformation effect[J].Thin-walled Structures, 2021, 167: 108151.
[7]文颖, 陈泽林.基于协调翘曲场的开闭口混合薄壁截面杆件约束扭转一维有限元分析[J].工程力学, 2020, 37 (9) : 38-49.
[8]Ying Wen(文颖), Q. Tan, Z.L. Chen.Qualified geometric stiffness for linear buckling and second-order nonlinear analysis of framed structures[J].International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19 (8) : 1950094.
[9]文颖, 陶蕤.基于加速度泰勒展开的动力学方程显式积分方法[J].工程力学, 2018, 35 (11) : 26-34.
[10]文颖, 陶蕤, 何旭辉, 周智辉.混合编组列车-多跨双线简支梁桥垂向耦合振动分析的移动质量梁列式法[J].振动工程学报, 2018, 31 (1) : 01-11.
[11]文颖, 孙明文, 李特, 曾庆元.杆系结构非线性后屈曲分析的增量割线刚度法[J].工程力学, 2016, 33 (12) : 12-20.
[12]文颖, 李特, 孙明文, 曾庆元.基于增量割线刚度的平面梁几何非线性分析[J].华中科技大学学报《自然科学版》, 2016, 44 (4) : 101-105.
[13]文颖, 李特, 曾庆元.柔性梁几何非线性/后屈曲分析的改进势能列式方法研究[J].工程力学, 2015, 32 (11) : 18-26.
[14]文颖, 曾庆元.四节点二十四自由度平板壳单元几何刚度矩阵显式解析式的推演算法研究[J].计算力学学报, 2013, 30 (6) : 796~801,814.
[15]文颖, 戴公连, 曾庆元.基于带面内转角自由度四节点平板壳元素的板壳非线性分析[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 44 (4) : 1525~1531.
[16]曾庆元, 周智辉, 赫丹, 文颖.列车-轨道(桥梁)系统横向振动稳定性分析[J].铁道学报, 2012, 34 (5) : 86~90.
[17]文颖, 曾庆元.平面框架弹塑性分析的增量内力塑性系数法[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 43 (6) : 2295~2299.
[18]文颖, 曾庆元.平稳运动稳定性分析的位移变分法[J].工程力学, 2011, 28 (4) : 1-7.
[19]Ying Wen (文颖), Qing-yuan Zeng(曾庆元).A novel approach to elasto-plastic finite element analysis of beam structures using the concept of incremental secant stiffness[J].Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2010, 46 (11) : 982~991.
[20]Ying Wen(文颖), Qing-yuan Zeng(曾庆元).A high-order finite element formulation for vibration analysis of beams using the principle of total potential energy[J].International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2009, 9 (4) : 649~660.
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