Journal Publications
- [1]Shi Wei, Zhao Dangjun, Liang Buge, Yang Degui.MIMO-SAR orthogonal waveform set design based on random subcarriers OFDM signal[J].Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2017, VOL. 31 (NO. 16) : 1722–1738.
- [2]Shi Wei, Zhao Dangjun, Liang Buge, Yang Degui.Cross-Eye Gain Distribution of Multiple-Element Retrodirective Cross-Eye Jamming[J]. CHINA.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2018, VOL. 29 (NO. 6) : 1170-1179.
- [3]YANG DEGUI.A Dechirping and Scaling Transform for Imaging Targets with Complex Motion in ISAR, Dec 6-8,[C].ICARA2011, 2011
- [4]YANG De-gui.Research of the Aerial Target Ranging on Singlestation Dual-band IR imaging System[C].ICIA2008, 2008
- [5]Han Jian-tao., Xiao Shun-ping, Li Xiang, YANG De-gui.Inversion of Typical Background Type Based on Photoelectric Parameters[C].WCSP2009, 2009
- [6]Yang Degui., Zhao Dangjun.Model-free Control of Quad-rotor Vehicle via Finite-time Convergent Extended[J].International Journal of Control, Automation and S, 2016, VOL. 14: 242-254.
- [7]YANG DEGUI.Ground Targets Detection and Tracking Based on Integrated Information in Infrared Images[C].ICSP2010, 2010
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