Han Zheng   

Professional Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

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Language: 中文



Ph. D.

Assistant Professor
School of Geosciences and Info-Physics
Central South University
932 Lushannan Road, Changsha, Hunan Province 410083, P.R. China
Email: hanzheng@csu.edu.cn

Phone: +86 18932410310

Personal homepage: https://faculty.csu.edu.cn/zhenghan/zh_CN/index.htm


I am an assistant professor at Central South University, Changsha, China. My research lies in structural geology and tectonics. I am dedicated to studying crustal deformation, with a primary focus on the rheology of the continental crust. Specifically, I focus on 1) analyzing strain, vorticity, and rheological parameters of exhumed high-strain zones to quantitatively constrain the style and rheology of deformation deep in Earth’s crust; 2) studying geological structures in subduction-accretion systems to better understand oceanic subduction; 3) building tectonic models for oil or ore fields to provide reliable guidance for exploration; 4) using physical modeling to establish progressive deformation for natural structures.


Before joining Central South University, I obtained my Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in Geology, from Jilin University in June 2019 and June 2014, respectively. I visited The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX, USA (08/2018 -- 03/2019) and Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (06/2019) as a visiting student. I am currently an advisor for eleven graduates (including one international student).



10/2019 -- Present

Assistant Professor, School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, Changsha, China

03/2023 -- Present

Visiting Scholar, State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an, China



Visiting Student in Structural Geology, Division of   Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University,   Kyoto, Japan

08/2018 -- 03/2019

Visiting Student in Tectonophysics, Department of Physics, The   University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX, USA

09/2014 -- 06/2019

Ph. D. in   Geology (successive master-doctor program), College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun, P.R.   China

Advisor: Xiaomeng SUN

09/2010 -- 06/2014

B.S. in   Geology, College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun, P.R. China



1.        Li, Z.H., Zheng, H.*, Li, H., Zhou, H.X., Chen, S.F., Madayipu, N., Maulana, Adi, Wu, Q.H., 2023. Polyphase deformation-controlled giant Renli Nb–Ta deposit, South China: Constraints from systematic structural analysis. Ore Geology Reviews 153, 105286.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105286

2.        Madayipu, N., Li, H., Elatikpo, S.M., Förster, M.W., Zhou, H.X., Zheng, H., Wu, Q.H., 2023. Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of long-lived Nb-Ta-(Sn) mineralization in Lianyunshan, NE Hunan, South China. Geological Society of America Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36591.1

3.        Madayipu, N., Li, H., Algeo, T.J., Elatikpo, S.M., Zheng, H.Wu, Q.H., Chen, Y.L., Sun, W.B., 2023. Chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmalines from the Lianyunshan Nb-Ta pegmatite in northeastern Hunan, China: Insights into fluid and metallogenic sources. Ore Geology Reviews 152, 105263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105263

4.        Madayipu, N., Li, H., Algeo, T.J., Elatikpo, S.M., Heritier, R.N., Zhou, H.X., Zheng, H., Wu, Q.H., 2023. Long-lived Nb-Ta mineralization in Mufushan, NE Hunan, South China: Geological, geochemical, and geochronological constraints. Geoscience Frontiers 14, 101491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2022.101491

5.        Wu, J.H., Li, H., Danišík, M., Yonezu, K., Zheng, H., Li, Z.H., 2023. Low-temperature thermochronological perspective on geodynamic evolution of the Cathaysia Block since Early Mesozoic. Tectonics, 42, e2022TC007662. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022TC007662.

6.        Madayipu, N., Li, H., Ghaderi, M., Tamehe, S.L., Zhou, H.X., Wu, Q.H., Chen, Y.L., Zheng, H., Chen, Y.L., Kang, F. 2023. Contrasting Nb-Ta mineralization between the Mufushan and Lianyunshan granites, South China: Evidence from whole-rock and zircon geochemistry and geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews 158, 105487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105487.

7.        Tang, Z.Y., Li, J., Deng, C.Z., Zheng, H., Liu, S.Z., 2023. Crystallization conditions of magma from Longmen potassic pluton of the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton: Constraints from mineral chemistry and zircon trace element. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 39(5): 1370-1386. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2023.05.10.


1.        Liang, Y., Zheng, H.*, Li, H., Whattam, S.A., Sun X.M., 2022. Revisiting the Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic tectonic evolution of epicontinental eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt on the basis of detrital zircon. Gondwana Research 112, 53–70.

2.        Liang, Y., Zheng, H.*, Li, H., Förster, M.W., Li, Z.H., 2022. Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic subduction and accretion of the Paleo-Pacific plate: Insights from the ocean plate stratigraphy of the Wandashan accretionary complex, NE China. International Geology Review.

3.        Xie, Y., Gao, H., Kong, H., Zheng, H.*, 2022. Structural controls on mineralization within the Huanggou Gold Deposit in the southern Mesozoic Xuefengshan Orogen, South China. Minerals 2022, 12, 751.

4.        Elatikpo, S.M., Li, H., Zheng, H., Girei, M.B., Wu, J.H., Amuda, A.K., 2022. Cryogenian crustal evolution in western Nigeria shield: whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic evidence from Bakoshi-Gadanya granites. International Geology Review.


5.        Zheng, H., Mao, A.Q., Chen, W., Zhu, D.F., 2021. Fracture evolution in oil-rich rhyolitic lavas of the Hailar Basin, northeastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 124, 104811.

6.        Liang, Y., Zheng, H.*, Li, H., Algeo J. Thomas, Sun, X.M., 2021. Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic subduction and accretion of the Paleo-Pacific Plate: Insights from ophiolitic rocks in the Wandashan accretionary complex, NE China. Geoscience Frontiers 12, 101242.

7.        Liu, B., Wu, J.H., Li, H., Mathru, R., Wu, Q.H., Zheng, H., Jiang, J.B., 2021. Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Kangguer Shear Zone and Yamansu Arc Belt, Eastern Tianshan (NW China): Constraints from structure, petrogenesis and geochronology of granitoids. Lithos 380–381, 105821.


8.        Mao, A.Q., Zheng, H.*, Sun, X.M., 2020. Microstructure investigation of oil-bearing rhyolites: A case study from the Hailar Basin, NE China. Minerals 10, 699.

9.        Mao, A.Q., Sun, D.Y., Gou, J., Yang, D.G., Zheng, H., 2020. Late Palaeozoic–Early Mesozoic southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic slab: Geochronological, geochemical, and Hf isotopic evidence from intrusive rocks in the Erguna Massif (NE China). International Geology Review 63, 1262–1287.

10.     Mao, A.Q., Sun, D.Y., Gou, J., Zheng, H., 2020. Genesis of Early–Middle Jurassic Intrusive Rocks in the Erguna Block (NE China) in Response to the Late-Stage Southward Subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk Oceanic Plate: Constraints from Geochemistry and Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Lu–Hf Isotopes. Minerals 10, 372.


11.     Zheng, H., Sun, X.M, Wan K., Wang PJ., He, S., Zhang, XQ., 2019. Structure and tectonic evolution of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Wandashan accretionary complex, NE China. International Geology Review 61, 17–38.

12.     Zheng Han, Sun Xiaomeng, Wang Pujun, Chen Wei, Yue Junpei. 2019. Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Proto-South China Sea: A perspective from radiolarian paleobiogeography. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 179, 37–55.

13.     Huang, L.Y., Ma, L., Xuan, W.J., Zhen, X.M., Zheng, H., Chen, W., Hamblin, M.R., 2019. Exploration of Copper-Cysteamine Nanoparticles as a New Type of Agents for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Inactivation. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 15, 1–7.


14.     Zheng, H., Sun, X.M., Zhu, D.F., Tian, J.X., Wang, P.J., Zhang, X.Q., 2018. Characteristics, formation mechanisms, and main controlling factors of oil and gas reservoir space within Early Cretaceous acidic volcanic rocks of the Hailar Basin, NE China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 91, 749–763.

15.     Zheng, H., Sun, X.M., Wang, J.P., Zhu, D.F, Zhang, X.Q., 2018. Devitrification pores and their contribution to volcanic reservoirs: A case study in the Hailar Basin, NE China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 98, 718–732.

16.     Zheng, H., Sun, X.M. 2018. Geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic implication of Early Cretaceous A-type rhyolites in Hailar Basin, NE China. Global Geology (English Edition) 21, 77–90.
doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1673-9736. 2018. 02. 01


17.     Wan, K., Sun, X.M., He, S., Zheng, H., Zhang, X.Q., Li, D.Z. 2017. New evidence of Late Cretaceous strike-slip thrust event in Jiamusi--Yitong fault zone. Global Geology 36, 486–506 (in Chinese with English abstract).
10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-5589. 2017. 02. 015


18.     Sun, X.M, Zhang, X.Q., He, S., Wang, P.J., Zheng, H, Wan, K., Li, D.Z. 2016. Two important Cretaceous deformation events of the Dunhua-Mishan Fault Zone, NE China. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32, 1114–1128 (in Chinese with English abstract).

19.     He, S., Sun, X.M., Zhang, X.Q., Wan, K., Zheng, H., Li, D.Z. 2016. Geological and geochemical characteristics of Raohe pillow basalts of Heilongjiang Province and its tectonic implication. Global Geology 35, 942–954 (in Chinese with English abstract).
10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-5589. 2016. 04. 004

20.     Li, D, Sun, X, Dong, Q, Liu, C, He, S, Zheng, H, Wan, K. 2015. Structural features and tectonic evolution history of Yudong and Yuxi fault depressions of Yushu area in Jilin Province. Global Geology 34, 676–683 (in Chinese with English abstract).
doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-5589. 2015. 03. 011


21.     Zheng, H., Sun, X.M., Zhu, D.F., Tian, J.X., He, S., Wang, Y.D., Zhang, X.Q. 2015. The structural characteristics, age of origin, and tectonic attribute of the Erguna Fault, NE China. Science China: Earth Sciences 58, 1553–1565.



01/2020 -- Present

1.        National Natural Science Foundation of China, Deformation mechanism and timing of large ductile shear zones in Erguna, Northeast China. Grant No. 42002223, ¥240,000, Sole PI. 01/2021 -- 12/2023.

2.        Hunan Xintianling Tungsten Industry Co. LTD, Metallogeny and Target Area Optimization in the Xintianling Tungsten Ore Field, Hunan Province, South China. Grant No. 20220903538, ¥850,000, Sole PI. 10/2022 -- 09/2023.

3.        Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, Deformation and Rheology of Middle-Lower Crustal Rocks in Northeast Hunan, South China. Grant No. 2021JJ40729, ¥50,000, Sole PI. 01/2021 -- 12/2023.

4.        Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources Evaluation in Northeast Asia, Ministry of Land and Resources of China, P-T-ε-t of the Erguna Ductile Shear Zone. Grant No. DBY-KF-19-09, ¥30,000, Sole PI. 01/2021 -- 12/2023.

5.        Tengchong Jingwei Mining Co. LTD, Metallogeny and Prospecting Prediction of Shuicheng Pb-Zn-Sn Polymetallic Deposit, Yunnan Province, South China. Grant No. H202208050500001, ¥3,200,000, CO-PI. 07/2022 -- 12/2023.

6.        Zhongda Intelligent Technology Co., LTD, Study on Carbon Neutrality. ¥20,000,000, CO-PI. 02/2022 -- 12/2031.

7.        Geological Disaster Survey and Monitoring Institute of Hunan Province, Investigation of Geological Disasters in Hunan Province and Study on Disaster Models and Inducing Factors. ¥2,000,000, CO-PI. 05/2022 -- 12/2023.

8.        China Minmetals Corporation, Study on the Tungsten-Lead-Zinc Metallogenic System in South-Central Hunan, Nanling Metallogenic Belt. ¥998,000, CO-PI. 06/2022 -- 12/2022.

9.        Hunan Geology Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Study on Gold (Antimony) Controlling-Structures and Prospecting Prediction in Tongdao, Western Hunan. ¥150,000, CO-PI. 01/2020 -- 12/2020.



1.        "Thirty Best" Teachers in The 11th "Thirty Best" Teaching Competition of Central South University, Central South University, 2022

2.        Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin Province (top 0.1% student), Education Department of Jilin Province, 2022

3.        Outstanding Class Tutor of Central South University in 2020-2021 Academic Year, Central South University, Central South University, 2022

4.        Excellence Award for Postgraduate Teaching in the 2021-2022 Academic Year, Central South University, 2022

5.        First Prize in the 3rd National Geology Teaching Competition for Young University Teachers, Geological Society of China, 2021

6.        First Prize in the 1st Teaching Competition of School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, 2021

7.        Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize (top 3% student), Jilin University, 2019

8.        Outstanding Ph. D. Graduate, Jilin University, 2019

9.        Government-Sponsored Scholarship for Oversea Education, China Scholarship Council, 2018

10.     China National Scholarship (top 0.2% student), National Department of Education, 2018

11.     China National Scholarship (top 0.2% student), National Department of Education, 2015

12.     Graduate Student Scholarship, Jilin University, 2014 -- 2019

13.     Excellent Secretary of Student Union, Jilin University, 2016

14.     Best Presentation in the 5th Academic Forum of Ph.D. Students of Jilin University, 2016

15.     Outstanding Student Scholarship, Jilin University, 2015 and 2016

16.     Best Thesis Prize (top 1% student), Jilin University, 2014




Course Title


Course Type





Structural   Geology I (Chinese)







Environmental   Geology and Geological Hazards (Chinese)







Geological   Cognition Practice (Chinese)







Advanced   Structural Geology (Chinese)







Advanced   Structural Geology (English)


International   Graduates





Geological   Cognition Practice (Chinese)







Advanced   Structural Geology (Chinese)







Advanced   Structural Geology (English)


International   Graduates





Advanced   Structural Geology (Chinese)







Advanced   Structural Geology (English)


International   Graduates








Current M.S. Students:

1.        Yong LIANG, 09/2020 -- 06/2023 (expected). Thesis title: Tectonic evolution of the Wandashan accretive complex, Northeast China and its implications for subduction-accretion process.

2.        Zhihan LI, 09/2020 -- 06/2023 (expected). Thesis title: Mesozoic tectonic deformation and ore-controlling style of rare metal deposits in Mufushan, Northeast Hunan, South China.

3.        Xiaofan LI, 09/2021 -- 06/2024 (expected). Thesis title: Cenozoic crustal flows in SE Tibet Plateau: Constraints from strain, vorticity, and rheological parameters of middle to lower crustal rocks from western Yunnan.

4.        Yuting CHEN, 09/2021 -- 06/2024 (expected). Thesis title: Study on carbon storage in felsic volcanic rocks.

5.        Wei PI, 09/2022 -- 06/2025 (expected). Thesis title: Late Mesozoic deformation of the northern Tanlu fault zone: Constraints from strain, vorticity, and rheological parameters of exhumed shear zones.

6.        Linlin ZENG, 09/2022 -- 06/2025 (expected). Thesis title: Strain, vorticity, and rheological parameters of metamorphic core complexes in the eastern Qingling and their geodynamic implications.

7.        Tufail Muhammad, 09/2022 -- 06/2025 (expected). Thesis title: Superposed folds in South China: Observations and analog modeling.


Current Undergraduate Students:

1.        Lin HE, 09/2019 -- 06/2023 (expected). Conduct field assistance in the Xuefeng Orogen, South China, and physical modeling for the Mesozoic contractional deformation in the Xuefeng Orogen.

2.        Hongqiu YAO, 09/2019 -- 06/2023 (expected). Conduct field assistance in the Xuefeng Orogen, South China.

3.        Shibo HAN, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Conduct physical modeling for the folding in the Nanling Range, South China.

4.        Junhong LIAO, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Process kinematic analysis and paleostress inversion in the Shizhuyuan W-Sb-Mo-Bi polymetallic deposit, South China.

5.        Jianfei LIAO, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Process kinematic analysis and paleostress inversion in the Shuichen Pb-Zn-Sb polymetallic deposit, South China.

6.        Chunhong ZHANG, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Process kinematic analysis and paleostress inversion in the Xintianling tungsten deposit, South China.

7.        Heng PENG, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Process strain analysis in the mylonites from Lianyuanshan, South China.

8.        Huading LU, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Conduct vorticity measurement in the mylonites from Lianyuanshan, South China.

9.        Zeli WANG, 09/2020 -- 06/2024 (expected). Conduct rheological parameter analysis in the mylonites from Lianyuanshan, South China.


Former Undergraduate Students:

1.        Yiming XIE, 09/2018 -- 06/2022. Thesis title: Late Mesozoic tectonic deformation of the Dunmi Fault, northeast China.

2.        Xuan YANG, 09/2018 -- 06/2022. Thesis title: Rheological parameters of schists from the Hulin coplex, northeast China.


Student Honor and Awards:

1.        Yong LIANG, 2022, China National Scholarship (top 0.2% student) from National Department of Education.

2.        Xiaofan Li, 2022, research grant (¥10,000) from Hunan Province.

3.        Heng PENG, 2022, research grant (¥8,000) from Hunan Province.

4.        Junhong LIAO, 2022, research grant (¥8,000) from Hunan Province.

5.        Yong LIANG, 2021, Excellent Oral Presentation in the 3rd Youth Academic Forum on Structural Geology and Geodynamics held by the Geological Society of China.

6.        Yong LIANG, 2021, research grant (¥10,000) from Hunan Province.

7.        Zhihan LI, 2021, Excellent Oral Presentation in the 2ed National Graduate Forum in Geosciences held by the Geological Society of China.

8.        Zhihan LI, 2021, research grant (¥8,000) from Hunan Province.


Meeting Convener

1.        2022, Geological Society of China, 4th Youth Academic Forum on Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Session Co-convener, From oceanic to continental tectonics: magmatism and mineralization.

2.        2021, Geological Society of China, 2ed National Graduate Forum in Geosciences, Session Co-convener, Geodynamic processes and tectono-magmatic responses.

3.        2021, Geological Society of China, 3th Youth Academic Forum on Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Session Co-convener, Continental tectonics and associated magmatism and mineralization.



1.        Member of the Professional Committee of Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Geological Society of China.


Educational Background

  • 2018.7-2019.3  

    德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校      国家建公派联合培养

  • 2010.9-2014.6  

    吉林大学       Geology       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's degree

  • 2016.9-2019.7  

    吉林大学       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2019.10-Now

    中南大学      地球科学与信息物理学院

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