Journal Publications
- [21]Bin Jiang, Weihua Gui, Zhiwen Chen, Zhikun Hu.Adaptive PCA based fault diagnosis scheme in imperial smelting process[J].ISA Transactions, 2014, 53 (5) : 1446-1455.
- [22]Fanbiao Li, Chunhua Yang, Tao Peng, Zhiwen Chen.An adaptive data-driven fault detection method for monitoring dynamic process[C]. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), 2018
- [23]Steven X. Ding, Yuri A. W. Shardt, Kai Zhang, Zhiwen Chen.Comparison of Two Basic Statistics for Fault Detection and Process Monitoring[C].IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1) : 14776-14781.
- [24]Linlin Li, Xu Yang, Zhiwen Chen, Kai Zhang, Kaixiang Peng, Peng Tang.A Deep Belief Network-based Fault Detection Method for Nonlinear Processes.IFAC Safeprocess, 2018
- [25]Chunhua Yang, Tao Peng, Ketian Liang, Zhiwen Chen.Comparison of Several Data-driven Models for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[C].2019年中国故障诊断会议, 2019
- [26]杨笑悦, 杨超, 何章鸣, 阳春华, 彭涛, 陈志文.基于改进的典型相关分析的故障检测方法[J], 2017, 47 (5) : 44-50.
- [27]Kaixiang Peng, Steven X. Ding, Zhiwen Chen, Haiyang Hao, Kai Zhang.A comparison and evaluation of key performance indicator-based multivariate statistics process monitoring approaches[J].Journal of Process Control, 2015, 33: 112-126.
- [28]K. Peng, Zhiwen Chen, Yuri A. W. Shardt, Kai Zhang.Using the expected detection delay to assess the performance of different multivariate statistical process monitoring methods for multiplicative and drift faults[J].ISA Transactions, 2017, 67: 56-66.
- [29]K. Peng, Zhiwen Chen, Yuri A. W. Shardt, Steven X. Ding, Kai Zhang.Assessment of T2-and Q-statistics for detecting additive and multiplicative faults in multivariate statistical process monitoring[J].Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354 (2) : 668-688.
- [30]K Peng, Steven X. Ding, Zhiwen Chen, Yuri A. W. Shardt, Kai Zhang.A KPI-based process monitoring and fault detection framework for large-scale processes[J].ISA transactions, 2017, 68: 276-286.
- [31]Weihua Gui, Bo Liu, Zhiwen Chen, Tao Peng, Chunhua Yang, Xiaoyue Yang.Hardware-in-the-Loop Fault Injection for Traction Control System[J].IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in PE, 2018
- [32]Steven X. Ding, Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Changchun Hua, Zhiwen Chen, Zhikun Hu.A simplified recursive dynamic PCA based monitoring scheme for imperial smelting process[J].International Journal of Innovative Computing, Inf, 2012, 8 (4) : 2551-2561.
- [33]Zhangming He, Haiyin Zhou, Jiongqi Wang, Zhiwen Chen, Dayi Wang.An improved detection statistic for monitoring the nonstationary and nonlinear processes[J].Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 145: 114-124.
- [34]Jiongqi Wang, Yan Xing, Dayi Wang, Haiyin Zhou, Zhiwen Chen, Zhangming He.A visualization approach for unknown fault diagnosis[J].Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2018, 172: 80-89.
- [35]Yalin Wang, Zhiwen Chen, Xiaofeng Yuan.Probabilistic nonlinear soft sensor modeling based on generative topographic mapping regression[J].IEEE Access, 2018
- [36]Xiaoqi Peng, Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Zhiwen Chen, Linzi Yin, Zhikun Hu.An efficient multi-PCA based on-line monitoring scheme for multi-stages imperial smelting process[J].International Journal of Control, Automation and S, 2013, 11 (2) : 317-324.
- [37]Yaguo Lei, Zhiwen Chen, Steven X. Ding, Kai Zhang, Haiyang Hao.A data-driven multiplicative fault diagnosis approach for automation processes[J].ISA Transactions, 2014, 53 (5) : 1436-1445.
- [38]J. Ding, H. Wang, Changchun Hua, Zhiwen Chen, Zhikun Hu.A novel digital control strategy of three-phase shunt active power filter under non-ideal mains voltages[J].Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18 (6) : 2021-2030.
- [39]S Song, Z W Chen, D He, J Yang, M Su, D Song, L Wang, B Liu.Control of Single-phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic Inverter under Battery Input Condition in Residential Photovoltaic/Battery Systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018