Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Honors and Titles:
1. 教育部青年长江学者
2. 湖南省科技创新领军人才
2. 湖南省青年百人计划
3. 中南大学“升华育英”人才计划
Ray received his Ph.D. degree from the Ohio State University, U.S, following two years postdoctoral training in Stockholm University, Sweden. He took up a faculty position at Central South University, China, where he is now a full professor. His research topics cover a diverse set of organic contaminants related investigations. He is interested in understanding how to remove trace organic contaminants using advanced oxidation technologies, how to develop different modelling tools to predict radical reactivity, and how organic contaminants are accumulated in aquatic organisms. He teaches courses that echo these interests. Ray is among the world's top 100000 scientists. He has published more than 100 SCI papers in various journals, 14 of which were published in Environmental Science & Technology, 10 in Water Research. There are 19 papers selected as ESI (Essential Science Indicator) 1% highly cited papers, 4 as ESI 0.1% hot papers, 1 as top 10 highly cited paper in International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, and 1 as top 10 highly cited paper in Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. His h-index is 50 (Google Scholar). He is the emerging investigator for Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. He was awarded for excellent reviewers for Water Research, Environmental International, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Environmental Science: Process & Impact, and Water, Air & Soil Pollution. He also severs as editor for Chemical Engineering Journal (IF = 15.1), associate editor for Environmental Chemistry Letters (IF = 15.7), editorial board for Process Safety and Environmental Protection (IF=7.81), Scientific Reports (IF=4.61), and Journal of Hunan University.
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The Ohio State University  Environmental Engineering  Doctoral degree
The Ohio State University  Environmental Science  Master's degree
RCEES, Chinese Academy of Sciences  Environmental Science  Master's Degree
Central South University School of Metallurgy and Environment Professor
Central South University School of Metallurgy and Environment Associate Professor
Central South University School of Metallurgy and Environment Assistant Professor
Stockholm Unviersity Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry Postdoc Researcher
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