  • Jifeng Cai
  • Doctoral degree
  • Professor
  • Associate dean
  • School of Basic Medical Sciences

Educational Background

  • 2005.92010.7

     Central South University    Clinical psychology   Postdoctor 

  • 2002.92005.7

     Sichuan University   Forensic   Doctoral degree   PhD Graduate 

  • 2000.92002.7

     Sichuan University   forensic science   Master's degree   Master's degree 

  • 1988.91993.7

     Inner Mongolia Medical College   clinical medicine   Bachelor's degree   University graduated 

Work Experience

  • 2005.9Now

    Hunan Xiangya Judicial Identification Central      Director    湖南省湘雅司法司法鉴定中心机构负责人

  • 2005.72019.1

    School of Basic Medicine Sciences of CSU      Department of Forensic Medicine    Assistance dean    中南大学基础医学院

  • 1993.72002.9

    People's Procuratorate of Inner Mongolia      Technology service    Prosecutor    检察官

Research Group

  • Name of Research Group:Forensic science

    Description of Research Group:When someone dies, fairly soon, it could be within minutes blowflies are attracted to the body and they will start laying eggs immediately. These will hatch into larvae or maggots and the developmental cycle will continue.
            By understanding the "succession" rates or the speed of growth of flies, from an egg to the larval then adult stage our group can determine the likely time that person died. And it is this cycle of life and death that is critical in helping the police when they are uncertain of the timing of someone's death.
            The main job of our group is to find the post-mortem interval (PMI), which is the minimum amount of time for which someone could have been dead. To do this, we examine the species, ages and colony composition of the insects and arthropods found on the dead body. We usually examine the body at the crime scene or conduct a post-mortem examination.We also receive specimens or photographs taken by police to examine or visit the crime scene to search for clues.

    JJ Guo

    Guo Juanjuan, a Communist Party of China probationary party member, was born in Jincheng, Shanxi Province on 15 December, 1990. She studied under guidance of Prof. Cai jifeng for the master degree since 2013 and for the doctor degree since 2015, in Department of Forensic Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Central South University. Her main research direction is microorganisms and postmo...

    XL FU

    Fu Xiaoliang, a Communist Party of China probationary party member, was born in Changsha, Hunan Province on 3 September, 1988, studied under guidance of Prof. Cai jifeng for the master degree since 2013, in Department of Forensic Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Central South University. His main research direction is Forensic Entomology and Forensic Microbiology. He has published 8 a...

    HD Liao

    女,1990年9月出生,湖南郴州人,中共预备党员。2013年入学中南大学基础医学院法医系,师从蔡继峰教授。在研究生期间,立足专业,踏实努力,工作认真,并积极参加课外活动,全面发展自己。于2014年申请到中南大学研究生自主探索创新基金,撰写学科相关论文,已经SCI收录杂志接收5篇(第一作者2篇,第二作者2篇,第三作者2篇),CSCD 1篇(第一作者),获得一个实用新型专利(第二发明人),同时获得2014年研究生国家奖学金,该...

    LL Long


    WT Yan


Social Affiliations

  • Member of Higher Education Teaching Steering Committee

  • Chairman of Forensic Science Specialized Committee

  • Member of Chinese Immunology Society

  • Member of Chinese Society of Forensic Medicine

  • Member of Medical Malpractice Identification Pool of Chinese Medical Association

  • National Laboratory Qualification Authentication Judges
    National Inspection Agency Qualification Authentication Judges

  • Assistant Dean of Forensic Expert Association of Hunan Provence

  • Member of Medical Malpractice Identification Pool of Hunan Provence


Personal Information

Jifeng Cai, born in 1967
Doctor of Medicine
Clinical psychology postdoctoral
Forensic Science Professor
Doctoral supervisor
Chief physician
Academic Leader of Forensic Department
Assistant Dean of Basic Medicine College
Executive Vice Director of Xiangya Judicial Expertise Center of Hunan Provence.

Membership and professional affiliation
Committee member of forensic medicine higher education steering committee of education ministry,
Member of Chinese medical association of ministry of health
Member of Hunan provincial medical association medical malpractice expert database
Member of science and technology expert library
State-level judge of laboratory and testing agency qualification of ministry of justice
Vice president of the Hunan forensic identification association
Chairman of forensic medicine Committee
Director of forensic pathology
Professor Cai studys on forensic clinical medicine, forensic pathology, forensic entomology. And his research has been funded by 3 state natural science fund,1 state postdoctoral fund,3 provincial scientific research funds and 7 collegiate scientific research funds. His group has published more than 50 articles in recently years, 30s of them embodied by SCI. He is the chief editor of , (textbook of forensic science), , , , ,and assistant editor of ,chief translator of and in Chinese edition.
Editorial member of (sixth edition). Reviewer of European journal of entomology、Insect science、journal of insect science、African Journal of Biotechnology. Contributing editor of , ,
4 doctors and 10s graduates students are now studying in Pro. Cai’ s group.

  • Professor
    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
    Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Date of Employment:2005-07-14
  • School/Department:School of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Administrative Position:Associate dean
  • Education Level:PhD Graduate
  • Business Address:Office building #346,new campus of Xiangya medicine college,CSU
  • Sex:Male
  • Contact Information:0731-82650414
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Status:Employed
  • Academic Titles:湖南省司法鉴定协会会长
  • Alma Mater:Sichuan University
  • Discipline:Basic Medicine
  • Honors and Titles:
  • 中南大学基础医学院优秀共产党员(2006/2007年) 中南大学基础医学院优秀教师(连续5年) 湖南省优秀青年骨干教师(2007) 司法部全国司法鉴定先进个人(2009/2010);
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