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Cheng Gong
Journal Publications
Research Projects
Honors and Awards
Recommended MA Supervisor
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Journal Publications
Current position:
Journal Publications
[1]Gong Cheng, Yufang Li, Research on Remote Sensing Geochemical Modeling Based on Surface to Surface Model[C].Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023, 2597 (1) : 1-12.
[2]Gong Cheng, Quantitative inversion of REEs in ion-adsorbed rare earth ores from the Liutang area (South China), based on measured hyperspectral data[J].Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34 (4) : 1068-1082.
[3]Gong Cheng, Research on quantitative inversion of ion adsorption type rare earth ore based on convolutional neural network[J].Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10: 1-14.
[4]Gong Cheng, Quantitative Remote Sensing of Metallic Elements for the Qishitan Gold Polymetallic Mining Area, NW China[J].Remote sensing, 2021, 13 (13) : 1-19.
[5]成功, 许文文, 任明, 袁海明, 钟超岭, 王冬军.基于样本数据的红土型铝土矿定量遥感建模与反演研究[J]. 北京.地学前缘, 2019, 26 (4) : 109-116.
[6]成功, 李嘉璇, 离子型稀土矿含量高光谱定量反演研究[J]. 北京.光谱学与光谱分析, 2019, 33 (5) : 1571-1578.
[7]任明, 袁海明, 聂正永, 钟超岭, 成功.采样深度对红土型铝土矿定量遥感建模的影响研究[J]. 沈阳.轻金属, 2018, - (10) : 1-4,10.
[8]孙卫宾, 周炜鉴, 成功, 许文文.马达加斯加索菲亚省BINARA地区铬铁矿遥感找矿预测[J]. 北京.地质找矿论丛, 2018, 33 (1) : 108-114.
[9]戴之秀, 李嘉璇, 成功.BP神经网络在土壤重金属污染分析中的应用[J]. 南京.地质学刊, 2017, 41 (3) : 394-400.
[10]周炜鉴, 任明, 袁海明, 唐婕, 成功.先验知识在堆积型铝土矿定量遥感反演中的应用[J]. 沈阳.轻金属, 2017, - (4) : 4-9.
[11]李丹, 罗彦军, 李尚林, 孙卫宾, 成功.印度达尔瓦尔克拉通绿岩带BIF型铁矿地质特征及成因分析[J]. 西安.西北地质, 2016, 49 (4) : 136-144.
[12]Yong Wang, Dafang Zhuang, Dan Li, Gong Cheng.The influence of natural factors on the spatio-temporal distribution of Oncomelania hupensis[J].Acta Tropica, 2016, 164: 194-207.
[13]Dafang Zhuang, YongWang, Gong Cheng, Qian Ding.Effects of natural factors on the spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils surrounding mining regions[J]. 美国.Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 578: 577–585.
[14]Qiu Xianyin, Cheng Gong.Studying Retrieval of Heavy Metals Concentration in Taihu Lake Based on MODIS Imagery.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth, 2015
[15]朱佳玮, 成功.毛先成.基于ASTER数据的金川铜镍矿床外围遥感找矿预测[J]. 北京.国土资源遥感, 2016, 28 (1) : 15-21.
[16]罗彦军, 李尚林, 孙卫宾, 邱献引, 成功.印度共和国金矿资源及其地质特征[J]. 甘肃.黄金科技与技术, 2015, 23 (5) : 28-34.
[17]成功, 刘继顺, 王伟.蒙古国南部曼莱苏木铜金矿区地质特征与找矿远景分析[J]. 北京.地质找矿论丛, 2015, 30 (2) : 215-220.
[18]成功.印度尼西亚内格拉萨金矿地质特征与找矿潜力分析[J]. 北京.地质找矿论丛, 2015, 30 (1) : 68-74..
[19]罗彦军, 李尚林, 江思宏, 戴之秀, 成功.印度共和国铝土矿主要矿集区及其地质特征[J]. 沈阳.轻金属, 2015, - (3) : 7-12.
[20]陈松岭, 曾令瑶, 成功.OLI与ETM+数据在豫西沉积型铝土矿找矿中的应用[J]. 沈阳.轻金属, 2014, - (11) : 7-11.
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