
A three-term conjugate gradient algorithm for large-scale unconstrained optimization problems


  • Release time:2016-04-23

  • Affiliation of Author(s):Central South University


  • Funded by:Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province 13JJ3002 14JJ2003 National Natural Science Foundati

  • Key Words:Large-scale problems; Three-term conjugate gradient method; Global convergence; Inexact line search;

  • Abstract:In this paper, a three-term conjugate gradient algorithm is developed for solving large-scale unconstrained optimization problems. The search direction at each iteration of the algorithm is determined by rectifying the steepest descent direction with the difference between the current iterative points and that between the gradients. It is proved that such a direction satisfies the approximate secant condition as well as the conjugacy condition. The strategies of acceleration and restart are incorporated into designing the algorithm to improve its numerical performance. Global convergence of th

  • Co-author:Zhong Wan

  • First Author:Songhai Deng

  • Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

  • Document Type:J

  • Volume:92

  • Page Number:70-81

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2015-06-01

  • Attachments:

  • A three-term CG.pdf   
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