邓文韬,讲师,硕士研究生导师,英国巴斯大学物理化学博士(Ph.D.),巴斯大学博士后,国家“国际交流计划引进项目” 获得者;曾获中南大学“升华博士后” 、湖南省优秀硕士论文;中国化学会会员、英国皇家化学会会员(MRSC), Carbon Neutralization 期刊青年编委,Advanced Energy Materials 等期刊审稿人。主要从事锂、钠离子电池电极材料结构设计、储能机制和电化学性能研究;高比能金属气体电池的开发。近年来发表 SCI 论文八十余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者在Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、Advanced Functional Materials 等刊物上发表论文 26 篇,其中 IF>15 的 9 篇,高被引文章 1 篇,论文总被引用 5000 余次,H指数 41(截止202407),参与编辑书籍两册《Sodium-Ion Capacitors》及《Sodium-Ion Batteries》,编写教材《物理化学实验》一章。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项、联合基金重点项目子课题 1 项,国际合作项目 1 项,湖南省青年基金项目 1 项,湖南省教学改革项目 1 项,中南大学教学改革项目 1 项。在产学研发展方面,申请国家发明专利43项,授权18项,作为核心团队完成产业转化1500万元(深圳市津工能源有限公司)。
Dr. Wentao Deng is now a Lecturer and master supervisor at College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University. She got Ph.D. degree in 2017 at University of Bath under the supervision of Prof. Petra Cameron, University of Bath, UK. After that she worked with Prof. Laurie Peter as a postdoc and then she was granted the national “International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program)”. She is a member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Society and is youth editorial board member of Carbon Neutralization. Her research interest is on the critical material for Lithium/Sodium-Ion Battery and their working principles. She also is interested in developing highly efficient metal-CO2 battery for commercialization. Up to now, Dr. Deng has over 80 publications, with 26 of them first authored or corresponding authored and published in Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, etc. Among those publications, 9 of them are with IF over 15 and total citation over 5000 times, giving a google scholar H index of 46 (Dec.2024). Additionally, she has applied 43 patents with 17 of them authorized by CNIPA.
Currently, she has 3 active projects granted by NSFC and Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation. She also works as a technical consultant for Shenzhen OME Ltd.
每年招收硕士研究生 1~2 名。招生专业材料化学、化学、冶金物理化学、物理化学
1. 锂离子电池、钠离子电池电极材料开发与电化学储能机制研究;
2. 宽温域金属-CO2电池关键材料及催化机理研究;
3. 银锌二次电池稳定性研究
2022 硕士 王凯
2023 硕士 潘晴
2024 硕士 杨爽、冉思怡
2025 硕士 章琬熠
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 , “尖晶石锰酸锂正极原位界面/结构强化及储锂行为研究”, 22307207, 2024.01~2026.12, 30 万元,主持;
2. 湖南省青年基金,“金属硫化物固溶体的设计及储钠机制研究”,2023JJ40704,2023.01~2025.12,5 万元,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,“火星大气环境中CO2原位能源转换机制研究”,U22B2069,258万元(总),2023.01~2026.12,子课题负责人;
4. 中南大学科研启动项目,25万元,主持;
5. 湖南省教改项目,“教育数字化背景下的《物理化学》实践教学体系改革与研究”,2024.04~2026.04,主持,在研;
6. 中南大学教改项目,“教育数字化背景下的《物理化学》实践教学体系改革与研究”,主持,在研;
7. RSC Research Fund(英国皇家化学会项目),“A study of built-in potential of metal sulfides heterostructure for sodium ion storage”, R21-0586884136, 4000英镑,主持,结题;
8. 中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目,博士后科学基金,60 万元,主持,结题;
9. 中国博士后面上项目,博士后科学基金,8万元,主持,结题
1. 挑战杯 “揭榜挂帅” 专项赛全国特等奖指导教师,2024
2. 中南大学 “升华杯” 创业计划大赛银奖指导教师,2024
3. 中南大学优秀班导师,2024
4. 中南大学“升华博士后”,2021
5. 国家“国际交流计划引进项目博士后”入选者,2018
6. 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文,2015
7. 英国巴斯大学优秀国际学生奖学金,2013~2017
1. 工科大学化学-- 物理化学A & B
2. 应用电化学
3. 物理化学实验A & B & C
4. 应化22级班导师
2023 成垚
2024 竺锦程、冉思怡
2025 章琬熠
2023 赖思源/李雅菲/伊利亚斯·努尔塔依--《低维碳基材料构筑高性能银锌电池锌阳极界面》--校级创新训练
2023 李霖/袁建洋/龚泊瀚/韩璞圆--《锌离子电池正极材料设计与性能研究》--校级创新培育
2024 李霖--《退役磷酸铁锂电池电极材料绿色快速剥离与直接修复再生研究》-- 挑战杯“揭榜挂帅”专项赛全国特等奖
2024 李雅菲/李佩萍/周彤/周锦锐等--《“变废为宝,点石成金” --退役石墨电极制备量子点新材料》--中南大学“升华杯” 大学生创业计划竞赛银奖
1. Q. Pan, X. Ma, H. Wang, Y. Shu, H. Liu, L. Yang, W. Li, J. Liu, Y. Wu, Y. Mao, J. Xie, G. Zou, H. Hou, W. Deng, X. Ji, Approaching Splendid Catalysts for Li-CO2 Battery from the Theory to Practical Designing: A Review . Advanced Materials 36, 2406905 (2024). (通讯作者,IF 27.4/Q1, 自然指数期刊 )
2. S. Chen, B. Zhang, L. Yang, X. Hu, N. Hong, H. Wang, J. Huang, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Electrochemical Relithiation in Spent LiFePO4 Slurry for Regeneration of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode. Inorganic Chemistry 63, 17166–17175 (2024) 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c02844. (通讯作者, IF 4.3/Q1, 自然指数期刊)
3. K. Wang, J. Gao, H. Liu, W. Jian, J. Huang, X. Hu, S. Lai, Y. Li, G. Zou, H. Hou, W. Deng, X. Ji, Negative Charge Carbon Dots Manufacturing Electrostatic Shielding Layer for Stable Zinc Anode . Small Structures , 10.1002/sstr.202400343. (通讯作者, IF 15.9/Q1)
4. Y. Shu, H. Lei, J. Huang, Q. Pan, B. Zhang, Y. Xu, Y. Zhou, G. Hu, Y. Cao, G. Zou, W. Deng, Z. Peng, H. Hou, D. Chen, X. Ji, Enabling superior performance in brick-like single-crystal LiMn2O4 via BaO flux. Chinese Chemical Letters, 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.110345. (通讯作者, IF 9.4/Q1)
5. Y. Shu, H. Lei, J. Huang, Q. Pan, H. Lian, Y. Li, Z. Cao, H. Wang, X. Hu, B. Zhang, K. Du, G. Hu, Y. Cao, G. Zou, Z. Peng, W. Deng, H. Hou, D. Chen, X. Ji, Oxides Induced Preferential Growth of {110} Planes for Superior Performance Single-Crystal LiMn2O4 through Solid-State Process. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, 8628–8635 (2024). 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02093. (通讯作者, IF 4.8/Q1, 自然指数期刊)
6. J. Huang, J. Gao, N. Hong, B. Zhang, H. Wang, F. Zhu, L. Ni, G. Zou, H. Hou, H. Chen, W. Deng, X. Ji, Dual-ion regulation of coordination chemistry for high-voltage stabilized P2-type cathode . Nano Energy 126, 109676 (2024). (通讯作者, IF 16.8/Q1)
7. N. Hong, J. Li, H. Wang, X. Hu, B. Zhao, F. Hua, Y. Mei, J. Huang, B. Zhang, W. Jian, J. Gao, Y. Tian, X. Shi, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, Z. Hu, Z. Long, X. Ji, Regulating Phase Transition and Restraining Fe Distortion at High Potential Window via Rare Earth Metal Incorporation on O3-Type Layered Cathodes. Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2402398(2024). 10.1002/adfm.202402398 . (通讯作者, IF 18.5/Q1, 自然指数期刊)
8. K. Wang, A. Di, S. Zhang, L. Ni, H. Wang, H. Liu, Y. Huang, Y. Mao, J. Xie, G. Zou, H. Hou, W. Deng, X. Ji, Zinc anode based alkaline energy storage system: Recent progress and future perspectives of zinc–silver battery . Energy Storage Materials 69, 103385 (2024). (通讯作者, IF 18.9/Q1)
9. J. Gao, H. Chen, Y. Mei, L. Ni, H. Wang, J. Huang, N. Hong, B. Song, Y. Tian, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Robust iron-based cathode for ultralong-lasting Na-ion battery with a wide operation-temperature. Nano Energy 115, 108747 (2023). (通讯作者, IF 16.8/Q1)
10. S. Fang, S. Zhang, L. Ni, G. Zou, H. Hou, H. Liu, W. Deng, X. Ji, Electrochemically Engineering a Single-Crystal Nickel-Rich Layered Cathode . Inorganic Chemistry 62, 4514–4524 (2023).(通讯作者, IF 4.3/Q1, 自然指数期刊)
11. S. Zhang, S. Fang, J. Chen, L. Ni, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Engineering d-p orbital hybridization for high-stable lithium manganate cathode . Chemical Engineering Journal 451, 138511 (2023). (通讯作者, IF 13.3/Q1, 化工四大刊)
12. J. Gao, Y. Tian, L. Ni, B. Wang, K. Zou, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, C. E. Banks, D. Zhang, K. Zhou, H. Liu, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Robust Cross-Linked Na3V2(PO4)2F3 Full Sodium-Ion Batteries. Energy & Environmental Materials 7, e12485 (2024). (通讯作者, IF 13.0/Q1)
13. S. Zhang, H. Chen, J. Chen, S. Yin, Y. Mei, L. Ni, A. Di, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Mitigating the Jahn-Teller distortion driven by the spin-orbit coupling of lithium manganate cathode. Journal of Energy Chemistry 72, 379–387 (2022). (通讯作者, IF 14.0/Q1)
14. W. Deng, J. Chen, L. Yang, X. Liang, S. Yin, X. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, X. Ji, Solid Solution Metal Chalcogenides for Sodium-Ion Batteries: The Recent Advances as Anodes. Small 17, 2101058 (2021). (第一作者, IF 13.0/Q1)
15. Z. Chen, J. Hu, S. Liu, H. Hou, G. Zou, W. Deng, X. Ji, Dual defects boosting zinc ion storage of hierarchical vanadium oxide fibers . Chemical Engineering Journal 404, 126536 (2021). (通讯作者, IF 13.3/Q1, 化工四大刊)
16. N. T. Aristote, Z. Song, W. Deng, H. Hou, G. Zou, X. Ji, Effect of double and triple-doping of sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus on the initial coulombic efficiency and rate performance of the biomass derived hard carbon as anode for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 558, 232517 (2023). (通讯作者, IF 8.1/Q1)
17. N. Hong, J. Li, S. Guo, H. Han, H. Wang, X. Hu, J. Huang, B. Zhang, F. Hua, B. Song, N. Bugday, S. Yasar, S. Altin, W. Deng, G. Zou, H. Hou, Z. Long, X. Ji, An in situ dual-modification strategy for O3-NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 towards high-performance sodium-ion batteries . Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 18872–18880 (2023). (通讯作者, IF 14.5/Q1)
18. C. Liu, H. Chen, W. Deng, J. Chen, Y. Tian, X. Gao, X. Deng, S. Yi, S. Li, L. Chen, A. Pan, J. Ma, H. Hou, G. Zou, D. S. Silvester, X. Ji, Liquid Alloying Na–K for Sodium Metal Anodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 9321–9327 (2021). (共同一作, IF 4.8/Q1, 自然指数期刊)
19. Y. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Xiang, G. Zou, H. Hou, W. Deng, X. Ji, High Sulfur-Doped Hard Carbon with Advanced Potassium Storage Capacity via a Molten Salt Method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 30431–30437 (2020). (通讯作者, IF 8.3/Q1)
20. W. Li, X. Gao, Z. Chen, R. Guo, G. Zou, H. Hou, W. Deng, X. Ji, J. Zhao, Electrochemically activated MnO cathodes for high performance aqueous zinc-ion battery. Chemical Engineering Journal 402, 125509 (2020). (通讯作者, IF 13.3/Q1, 化工四大刊)
21. S. Xue, W. Deng, F. Yang, J. Yang, I. S. Amiinu, D. He, H. Tang, S. Mu, Hexapod PtRuCu. Nanocrystalline Alloy for Highly Efficient and Stable Methanol Oxidation. ACS Catalysis 8, 7578–7584 (2018). (第一作者, IF 13.1/Q1)
22. W. Deng, X. Liang, P. S. Kubiak, P. J. Cameron, Molecular Interlayers in Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 8, 1701544 (2018). (第一作者, IF 24.4 /Q1)
1. 纪效波、潘晴、邓文韬、侯红帅、邹国强,一种正极催化剂复合材料及其制备方法和应用[P],ZL 2024 10923881.8,2024.11.08 (授权公告日)
[1] 2013.10-2017.11
英国巴斯大学(University of Bath) | 物理化学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业
[2] 2010.9-2013.6
中南大学 | 冶金物理化学 | 硕士学位 | 研究生(硕士)毕业
[3] 2006.9-2010.6
中南大学 | 应用化学 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业
[1] 2018.12-2021.8
[2] 2017.6-2018.9
[1] 2022.12-至今
中国化学会会员 -
[2] 2021.4-至今
[3] 通讯/办公地址:
[6] 邮箱:
纪效波(团队带头人) | |
二级教授/博导,英国牛津大学博士,美国麻省理工学院博士后;国家杰青,青年长江学者,国家优青,湖南省杰青,湖南省科技领军人才、湖南省“百人计划”入选者;英国皇家化学会会士,中国有色金属学会冶金物理化学委员会秘书长,《Electrochemistry Communications》副主编。 |
侯红帅 | |
博士,教授,博导,系支部书记,中国科协“青年人才托举工程”、湖湘青年科技创新人才计划、湖湘青年英才计划、国家“博士后创新人才支持计划”入选者,湖南省优秀青年基金获得者,湖南省“优秀博士论文”获得者。 |
邹国强 | |
博士,副教授,博导,湖南省优青,中国大学生知行促进计划优秀指导教师,中南大学优秀班导师, 宁乡市新材料制造产业专家指导委员会委员;主要从事新能源材料(锂/钠离子电池/电容器电极材料)及电化学的研究;中国化学会、中国有色金属学会、中国化工学会会员。 |