
Signal enhancement and complex signal analysis of GPR based on Hilbert-Huang transform


  • Release time:2020-08-09

  • DOI number:10.1007/978-3-642-21747

  • Journal:2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics

  • Key Words:Ground penetrating radar;Complex signal analysis;Empirical mode decomposition;Hilbert-Huang transform;Intrinsic mode function

  • Abstract:The theory of Hilbert-Huang transform is described in this paper.Exemplified by the measured GPR profile of the tunnel leading to the factory of the Heijunfeng Pumping Energy Storage Power Station,the authors applied the EMD method to eliminate partial noises,used the Hilbert-Huang transform to calculate the complex signal of GPR profile,and extracted three parameters,i.e.,the instantaneous oscillation amplitude,the instantaneous phase and the instantaneous frequency.On such a basis,the mutually independent instantaneous parameters profiles could be drawn up.Multiple parameters integrated interpretation was conducted according to different geological conditions.The results show that this method can avoid the explanation error caused by using single time distance profile analysis,and can better reflect the anomaly information,thus improving the GPR data analysis precision.

  • Co-author:余凯, 陈承申

  • First Author:冯德山

  • Indexed by:Applied Research

  • Document Code:DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-21747

  • Discipline:地质资源与地质工程

  • Document Type:J

  • Page Number:375-384

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2011-06-20

  • Included Journals:EI

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