[1]Electrothermal Performance-Based FCS-MPC for Dynamic Thermal Balance Control of Traction Converters.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION, 2022, 8 (1) : 277-287.
[2]Abnormality Monitoring in the Blast Furnace Ironmaking Process Based on Stacked Dynamic Target-Driven Denoising Autoencoders.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2022, 18 (3) : 1854-1863.
[3]Multiphase-Based Optimal Slip Ratio Tracking Control of Aircraft Antiskid Braking System via Second-Order Sliding-Mode Approach.IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 2022, 27 (2) : 823-833.
[4]Asymptotical Stability and Stabilization of Continuous-Time Probabilistic Logic Networks.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, 2022, 67 (1) : 279-291.
[5]Feature Reconstruction-Regression Network: A Light-Weight Deep Neural Network for Performance Monitoring in the Froth Flotation.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2021, 17 (12) : 8406-8417.
[6]Mass Flow Measurement of Molten Iron From Blast Furnace, Based on Trusted Region Stacking Using Single High-Speed Camera.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2021, 70: 5013011.
[7]Research on the Influence of Multiple Interference Factors on Infrared Temperature Measurement.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2021, 21 (9) : 10546-10555.
[8]Data-driven adaptive modeling method for industrial processes and its application in flotation reagent control.ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2021, 108: 305-316.
[9]Multiobjective-Based Optimization and Control for Iron Removal Process Under Dynamic Environment.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2020, 17 (1) : 569-577.
[10]A Novel 3-D High-Temperature Industrial Endoscope With Large Field Depth and Wide Field.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2020, 69 (9) : 6530-6543.
[11]Compensation Method for Molten Iron Temperature Measurement Based on Heterogeneous Features of Infrared Thermal Images.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, 2020, 16 (11) : 7056-7066.
[12]Classification of silicon content variation trend based on fusion of multilevel features in blast furnace ironmaking.INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2020, 521: 32-45.
[13]A Data and Knowledge Collaboration Strategy for Decision-Making on the Amount of Aluminum Fluoride Addition Based on Augmented Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.ENGINEERING, 2020, 5 (6) : 1060-1076.
[14]Distributed Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Optimization With Nonuniform Unbounded Convex Constraint Sets and Nonuniform Stepsizes.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, 2019, 64 (12) : 5148-5155.
[15]Finite-time asynchronous sliding mode control for Markovian jump systems.AUTOMATICA, 2019, 109: 108503.
[16]Content Propagation for Content-Centric Networking Systems From Location-Based Social Networks.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS, 2019, 49 (10) : 1946-1960.
[17]Containment Control for Discrete-Time Multiagent Systems With Communication Delays and Switching Topologies.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS, 2019, 49 (10) : 3827-3830.
[18]Controllable-Domain-Based Fuzzy Rule Extraction for Copper Removal Process Control.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, 2018, 26 (3) : 1744-1756.
[19]Coordinated Optimization for the Descent Gradient of Technical Index in the Iron Removal Process.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS, 2018, 48 (12) : 3313-3322.
[20]Exponential Stability Analysis for Delayed Semi-Markovian Recurrent Neural Networks: A Homogeneous Polynomial Approach.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, 2018, 29 (12) : 6374-6384.