Journal Publications
- [1]Zhi Hu, Changan Zhao, Dongdai Lin.Fast scalar multiplication of degenerate divisors for hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems.Appl. Math. Comput., 2021: 126239.
- [2]Yan Huang, Fangguo Zhang, Zhi Hu, Zhijie Liu.Optimized Arithmetic Operations for Isogeny-Based Cryptography on Huff Curves.ACISP 2020, 2020: 23-40.
- [3]Hwajeong Seo, Kyuhwang An, Hyeokdong Kwon, Zhi Hu.Montgomery Multiplication for Public Key Cryptography on MSP430X.ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 2020, 19 (3) : 1-15.
- [4]Junhao Huang, Zhe Liu, Zhi Hu, Johann Großschädl.Parallel Implementation of SM2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Intel Processors with AVX2.ACISP 2020, 2020: 204-224.
- [5]Kyoungbae Jang, Hwajeong Seo, Seung Ju Choi, Hyeokdong Kwon, Zhi Hu.Impact of Optimized Operations A· B, A· C for Binary Field Inversion on Quantum Computers.WISA 2020, 2020: 154-166.
- [6]Lin Wang, Zhi Hu.New explicit injective compressing mappings on primitive sequences over ℤ p e $\mathbb {Z}_{p^e}$.Cryptogr. Commun., 2019, 11 (5) : 951-963.
- [7]Lin Wang, Zhi Hu.Injectivity on distribution of elements in the compressed sequences derived from primitive sequences over ℤpe.Cryptogr. Commun., 2019, 11 (2) : 167-189.
- [8]SrinivasaRao SubramanyaRao, Zhi Hu, Chang-An Zhao.Division polynomial-based elliptic curve scalar multiplication revisited.IET Inf. Secur., 2019, 13 (6) : 614-617.
- [9]Lightweight Implementations of NIST P-256 and SM2 ECC on 8-bit Resource-Constraint Embedded Device[J].ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 2019, 18 (3) : 1-13.
- [10]On Searching Maximal-Period Dynamic LFSRs with at Most Four Switches[J].IEICE Trans. Fundamentals., 2019, E102-A (1) : 152-154.
- [11]SIDH on ARM: Faster Modular Multiplications for Faster Post-Quantum Supersingular Isogeny Key Exchange[J].IACR Transactions on CHES, 2018, 2018 (3) : 1-20.
- [12]On Graph Algorithms for Degeneracy Test and Recursive Description of Stream Ciphers[J].Fundam. Inform., 2018, 160 (3) : 343-359.
- [13]Zhe Liu, Xinyi Huang, Zhi Hu, Muhammad K Khan, Hwajeong Seo, Lu Zhou..On Emerging Family of Elliptic Curves to Secure Internet of Things: ECC Comes of Age[J].IEEE Transactions on Dependable & Secure Compution, 2017, 14 (3) : 237-248.
- [14]Zhe Liu, Johan Gro?sch?dl, Zhi Hu, Kimmo J?rvinen, Ingrid Verbauwhede., Husen Wang.Elliptic curve cryptography with efficiently computable endomorphisms and its hardware implementations for the Internet of Things[J].IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2017, 66 (5) : 773-785.
- [15]Zhe Liu, Jian Weng, Zhi Hu, Seo Hwajeong.Efficient elliptic curve cryptography for embedded devices[J].ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2017, 16 (2) : 53:1-53:18.
- [16]Maozhi Xu, Zhi Hu, Meng Zhang.On Constructing Parameterized Families of Pairing- Friendly Elliptic Curves with \rho =1[C].Inscrypt 2016, 2016: 403-415.
- [17]Zhe Liu, Xinyi Huang, Zhi Hu, Johann Gro?sch?dl, Hwajeong Seo.Efficient Implementation of ECDH Key Exchange for MSP430-Based Wireless Sensor Networks[C].ASIACCS 2015, 2016: 145-153.
- [18]Zhi Hu# *, Maozhi Xu, Guoliang Zhang.Some techniques for faster scalar multiplication on GLS curves.Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116 (1) : 41-46.
- [19]Zhi Hu#, Lin Wang*.Injectivity of compressing maps on the set of primitive sequences modulo square-free odd integers.Cryptography and Communications, 2015, 7 (4) : 347-361.
- [20]Zhe Liu, Zhi Hu*, Wei Wu.Elliptic curve with Optimal mixed Montgomery-Edwards model for low-end devices.Science China Information Sciences, 2015, 58 (11) : 1-8.
