Language : English
Jiang Fu
  • Personal Information

    Associate Professor

    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

    Date of Employment:2012-09-05

    School/Department:School of Electronic Information

    Education Level:PhD Graduate

    Business Address:铁道校区电子楼306室


    Contact Information:13974876742

    Degree:Doctoral degree


    Alma Mater:Central South University

    Discipline:Information and Communication Engineering

    Honors and Titles:
    1、2018年Robocup世界杯中国赛中型仿真组冠军 3、2018年Robocup世界杯中国赛2D仿真组亚军 4、2017 RoboCup机器人世界杯大赛RoboCup救援仿真组二等奖 5、2016 RoboCup机器人世界杯中国赛RoboCup救援仿真组季军 6、2015中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup公开赛RoboCup仿真组(2D)一等奖 7、2014中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup公开赛RoboCup仿真组(2D)特等奖 8、2014 RoboCup机器人世界杯大赛RoboCup救援仿真组一等奖
  • Profile

    Dr Fu Jiang is currently an Associate Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University (CSU), where he received his PhD of traffic information engineering and control. The main research fields include intelligent mobile robot, wireless communication and mobile network, green cognition wireless sensor network, collaborative communication, network space security, etc. Dr. Jiang has conducted long-term and in-depth research in the field of train networked safety control and braking, and has obtained a series of research results with independent intellectual property rights, breaking the technical monopoly of western countries in the field of train braking control in China. He presided over more than 10 national natural science foundation of China and provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, and published more than 40 papers included in SCI and EI.

    Representative academic results are published in many International journals such as IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Mobile Information Systems, and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE APEC, IEEE ECCE, etc. He has obtained 7 authorized invention patents, 9 accepted invention patents and 15 software copyrights. He has presided over and participated in a number of major scientific research projects on train network control, and has made important contributions of realizing the autonomy of train network control system in China.

    The recent funding he has received is listed as follows.
    1. National natural science foundation of China youth science fund project: Distributed multi-objective joint energy efficiency optimization of green cognition wireless sensor network, 2014.1-2017.12
    2. National natural science foundation of China: Research on key technologies of mobile cloud service for the next generation of mobile applications
    3. National natural science foundation of China: Research on large-scale hybrid human-on-loop CPS architecture of software-defined cloud service network
    4. The provincial department of science and technology project: Cooperative relay selection and power allocation optimization of robot rescue communication, 2015.01-2016.12
    5. The general project of national natural science foundation of China: Research on the formation and pricing mechanism of hierarchical game alliance for resource sharing in cloud computing
    6. Major school enterprise cooperation project: In-depth study on effective control countermeasures of emergency braking of heavy-haul combined trains, 2013.7-2016.12
    7. Major cooperation projects supported by the university and the enterprise: Development of electronic brake control unit (EBCU)
    8. Major cooperation projects supported by the university and the enterprise: Wired electronic control air damping (ECP) system engineering prototype development, 2015.1-2017.12
    9. Major cooperation projects supported by the university and the enterprise: Development of CCBII brake fault diagnosis and detection device, 2016.3 to 2017.3
    10. Major school-enterprise cooperation projects: Development of distributed network control brake (dk-3), 2015.6-2015.12
    11. Major school-enterprise cooperation project: HXD1C locomotive MVB network control system development, 2016.1-2017.7

    Selected Publications

    [1] Weirong Liu*, Gaorong Qin, Yun He and Fu Jiang, Distributed Cooperative Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Signal Control That Integrates V2X Networks’ Dynamic Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017, 66(10), pp. 8667-8681.
    [2] Fu Jiang, Ying Guo*, Jun Peng, Jiankun Hu. An Active Cooperation-Aware Spectrum Allocation Mechanism for Body Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2015.01, 15(2), pp. 2812-2831.
    [3] Fu Jiang, Chaoliang Zhu, Jun Peng*, Weirong Liu, Zhengfa Zhu, Yong He. Joint Relay and Jammer Selection and Power Control for Physical Layer Security in Two-Way Relay Networks with Imperfect CSI. Wireless Personal Communications, 2015.12, 85(3), pp. 841-862.
    [4] Lan Li, Xiaoyong Zhang*, Kaiyang Liu, Fu Jiang, and Jun Peng, An Energy Aware Task Offloading Mechanism in Multi-user Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing, Mobile Information System, 2018: 1-12.
    [5] Jian He, Jun Peng, Fu Jiang* Gaorong Qin, Weirong Liu, A Distributed Q learning Spectrum decision Scheme for Cognitive Radio Sensor Network, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015.01, 2015(2015), pp. 1-10.
    [6] Fu Jiang, Chaoliang Zhu, Jun Peng*, Yong He, Shuo Li, Weirong Liu. Distributed Power Allocation for Multiuser Two-way Relay Networks Using Stackelberg Game. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics(JACIII), 2014.01, 18(1), pp. 48-55.
    [7] Fu Jiang ,Zhiqiang Meng, Hongtao Liao, Baolin Zhu, Muxing Han, Jun Peng, Heng Li* and Zhiwu Huang. A Cooperative Cell Balancing Approach for Reconfigurable Supercapcitor Energy Storage Systems. The Tenth Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2018), Oregon, USA. 2018.09.23-20

  • Research Field

  • Social Affiliations

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  • Education Background

    [1]  2008.9- 2012.5
    中南大学 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | 博士
  • Work Experience

    [1]  2023.7- Now
    中南大学 | 电子信息学院
    [2]  2019.1- 2023.6
    中南大学 | 计算机学院
    [3]  2012.9- 2018.12
    中南大学 | 信息科学与工程学院
  • Research Group

    Name of Research Group:中南大学轨道交通通信网络与控制研究所

    Description of Research Group:中南大学智能交通网络通信与控制研究所成立于2001年。研究所是以黄志武教授为学术带头人,由一批具有创新精神、积极进取的中青年教师、博士后、博士生和硕士生组成的科研团队。现有教授5名、副教授5名、讲师2名。目前在读全日制博士研究生12名、全日制硕士研究生42名、博士后3名。
    近年来致力于“轨道交通系统安全运行控制”、“分布式故障诊断”、“信息物理融合系统(CPS)的协同控制与优化”、“新能源混合电量管理”、 “大数据与机器学习”、“机器人深度情景感知”、“面向下一代移动应用的云服务关键技术”、“云计算资源共享与分层博弈”、“智能认知无线协作通信”等方向的深入研究。承担国家自然科学基金、省部级重大专项和校企重大合作项目100余项,进校经费达2000余万元。获得湖南省科技进步一等奖1项,湖南省科技进步三等奖2项。取得授权发明专利8项,受理发明专利30项,获得软件著作权18项。在国际高水平期刊和顶级国际会议上发表SCI、EI收录论文330余篇。

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