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Journal Publications
[41]Sheng-hui Liao, Sheng-hui Liao, YX Liang, LZ Li, BJ Zou.Practical craniofacial surgery simulator based on GPU accelerated lattice shape matching.Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2011, 22 (2,3) : 269-276.
[42]JX Wang, Sheng-hui Liao, XH Zhu, Y Wang, CX Ling.Real Time 3D Simulation for Nose Surgery and Automatic Individual Prosthesis Design.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2011, 104 (3) : 472-479.
[43]M-F Li, Sheng-hui Liao, R-F Tong.Facial hexahedral mesh transferring by volumetric mapping based on harmonic fields.Computers & Graphics, 2011, 35 (1) : 92-98.
[44]YX Liang, Sheng-hui Liao, L Wang, BJ Zou.Exploring Regularized Feature Selection for Person Specific Face Verification.The 13th International Conerence on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011), 2011: 1676-1683.
[45]YX Liang, L Wang, Shenghui Liao, BJ Zou.Feature Selection via Simultaneous Sparse Approximation for Person Specific Face Verification.18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2011), 2011: 789-792.
[46]Sheng-hui Liao, Sheng-hui Liao, RF Tong, JP Geng, M Tang. Inhomogeneous volumetric Laplacian deformation for rhinoplasty planning, simulation system.Inhomogeneous volumetric Laplacian deformation for rhinoplasty planning and simulation system.Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2010, 21 (3,4) : 331-341.
[47]Sheng-hui Liao, Sheng-hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.Gradient Field based Inhomogeneous Volumetric Mesh Deformation for Maxillofacial Surgery Simulation.Computers & Graphics, 2009, 33 (3) : 424-432.
[48]X Ding, XH Zhu, Sheng-Hui Liao, XH Zhang, H Chen.Implant-Bone Interface Stress Distribution in Immediately Loaded Implants of Different Diameters: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis..Journal of Prosthodontics, 2009, 18 (5) : 393-402.
[49]Sheng-hui Liao, Sheng-hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.Influence of Anisotropy on Peri-implant Stress and Strain in Complete Mandible Model from CT.Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2008, 32 (1) : 53-60.
[50]Sheng-hui Liao, Sheng-hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.Anisotropic Finite Element Modeling for Patient Specific Mandible.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2007, 88 (3) : 197-209.
[51]D Shi, Sheng-hui Liao, JP Geng.A newly designed big cup nitinol stent for gastric outlet obstruction.World journal of gastroenterology, 2010, 16 (33) : 4206-4209.
[52]X Ding, X Ding, Sheng-Hui Liao, XH Zhu, XH Zhang, L Zhang.Effect of Diameter and Length on Stress Distribution of the Alveolar Crest around Immediate Loading Implants.Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2009, 11 (4) : 279-287.
[53]M. Ding, R. Tong, Sheng-Hui Liao, J. Dong.An extension to 3D topological thinning method based on LUT for colon centerline extraction.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2009, 94 (1) : 39-47.
[54]Q. Zheng, Q. Chen, Sheng-Hui Liao, S-Y. Shi.Three-dimensional simulation and comparing evaluation of a new sacroliliac internal fixation device.Yiyong Shengwu Lixue/Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 2010, 25 (2) : 105-111.
[55]Sheng-Hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.Computer Aided Design and Evaluation of New Anatomic Fixation System on Entire Pelvic Model.2009 SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 2009: 331-336.
[56]Sheng-Hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.3D Whole Tooth Model from CT Volume using Thin-plate Splines.9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005: 600-604.
[57]Sheng-Hui Liao, RF Tong, MK Wang, JX Dong.Rapidly Generate Lumbar Spine Volume Mesh.9th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2005: 345-350.
[58]Sheng-Hui Liao, RF Tong, JX Dong.3D Human Mandible Reconstruction from CT Data.8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2004, 1: 487-492.
[59]liaoshenghui, 9.颌骨重建中的图像分割和轮廓对应及分支问题.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2004 (09) : 1225-1230.
[60]JX Dong, RF Tong, Sheng-Hui Liao*.Anisotropic Finite Element Modeling for Patient Specific Mandible, 2007, 88 (3) : 197–209.
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