杨泽群论文“Amorphous Molybdenum Selenide Nanosheet as an Efficient Trap for the Permanent Sequestration of Vapor-Phase Elemental Mercury”被Advanced Science(IF:15.074)接收发表(2019.07.15)
简介:The key challenge of vapor-phase elemental mercury (Hg0) sequestration is the rational design of a sorbent with abundantly available ligands that exhibit excellent affinity towards Hg0 to simultaneously achieve a high uptake capacity and rapid capture rate. In this work, it is demonstrated how the correct combination of functional ligands and structural properties can form an ideal remediator for permanent Hg0 immobilization. The adsorption capacity of an amorphous molybdenum triselenide (MoSe3) nanosheet greater than 1000 mg g-1 was the highest recorded value compared to previously reported sorbents tested in a fixed-bed reactor. This work not only provides a promising trap for permanent Hg0 sequestration from industrial and domestic sources with minimum hazard but also provides a detailed illustration of using structural advantages to obtain an ideal sorbent as well as guidance for the further development of Hg0 decontamination techniques.