杨泽群论文“Toward an Understanding of Fundamentals Governing the Elemental Mercury Sequestration by Metal Chalcogenides”被Environmental Science & Technology(IF:7.864)接收发表(2020.07.08)
简介:The results suggest that the binding energy between the metal cations and chalcogen anions is a proper descriptor that could predict the immobilization behaviors of Hg0 over zinc chalcogenides (ZnS and ZnSe) that exhibit an identical molecular structure, i.e., the lower the binding energy was, the higher the Hg0 sequestration performance that was obtained. The validity of this descriptor was further demonstrated over a series of MChals sharing structural similarities.
上一条: 祖鸿霄论文“The Adsorption Mechanisms of Hg0 on Marcasite-type Metal Selenides: The Influences of Metal-terminated Site”被Chemical Engineering Journal(IF:10.652)接收发表(2020.08.18)
下一条: 杨泽群论文“Density Functional Theory Study of Elemental Mercury Immobilization on CuSe(001) Surface: Reaction Pathway and Effect of Typical Flue Gas Components”被Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(IF:3.573)接收发表(2020.07.03)