祝贺祖鸿霄论文“Coordinatively Unsaturated Selenides over CuFeSe2 Towards Highly Efficient Mercury Immobilization”被Environmental Science & Technology(IF:9.028)接收发表
简介:Metal selenides have been demonstrated as promising Hg0 remediators, while the inadequate adsorption rate primarily impedes their application feasibility. Based on the critical role of coordinatively unsaturated selenide ligands displaying in immobilizing Hg0, through purposefully adjusting the selenide saturation, this work proposed a novel strategy to enhance the Hg0 adsorption rate of metal selenides by magnitudes.This work aims not only to develop a Hg0 remediator with extensive applicability in coal combustion flue gas, but also to step towards the rational design of selenide-based sorbents for diverse environmental remediation by the facile surface functionalization of coordinatively adjustable ligands.