祝贺艾泽健论文“Machine learning assisted predicting and engineering specific surface area and total pore volume of biochar”被Bioresource Technology(IF:11.889)接收发表!
简介:Biochar produced from pyrolysis of biomass is a platform porous carbon material that have been widely used in many areas. Specific surface area (SSA) and total pore volume (TPV) are decisive to biochar application in hydrogen uptake, CO2 adsorption, and organic pollutant removal, etc. Engineering biochar by traditional experimental methods is time-consuming and laborious. Machine learning (ML) was used to effectively aid the prediction and engineering of biochar properties. The prediction of biochar yield, SSA, and TPV was achieved via random forest (RF) and gradient boosting regression (GBR) with test R2 of 0.89-0.94. ML model interpretation indicates pyrolysis temperature, biomass ash, and volatile matter were the most important features to the three targets. Pyrolysis parameters and biomass mixing ratios for biochar production were optimized via three-target GBR model, indicating the great potential of ML for biochar engineering.