Journal Publications
- [1]高温独头巷道压抽混合式通风参数对人工制冷降温 效果的影响.黄金科学技术
- [2]Fracture mechanical properties of sandstone with pre-fabricated cracks under freeze–thaw cycles.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 131 (104444)
- [3]李杰林, 毛德华, 周科平, 曾志飞, 杨于渲, 徐寒冰.中线法尾矿筑坝中旋流器底流稀释浓度现场优化试验.矿冶工程, 2022, 42 (5) : 1-9.
- [4]李杰林, 杨承业, 高乐, 周科平.大型复杂采空区群的稳定性数值分析及隐患区域预测.黄金科学技术, 2022, 30 (3) : 315-323.
- [5]李杰林, 白德威, 杨承业, 张玮, 张孝平.基于三维激光扫描点云数据的地下巷道岩体结构面识别及稳定性分析.黄金科学技术, 2022, 30 (3) : 343-351.
- [6]李杰林, 程春龙, 周科平, 喻晓丽, 李光全, 黄冲红.高温独头巷道人工制冷降温效果的优化研究.中国安全生产科学技术, 2022, 18 (10) : 238-244.
- [7]李杰林, 毛德华, 彭朝智, 王胜利.地下金属矿山斜坡道浆土路修筑工艺及应用研究.黄金科学技术, 2022, 30 (6) : 901-911.
- [8]李杰林,杨承业,周科平,李志宏.地下矿山无轨与有轨联合开采的采矿工艺耦合协同度评价[J].金属矿山,2021,3:74-79
- [9]LI Jie-lin, ZHU Long-yin, ZHOU Ke-ping, et al. Non-linear creep damage model of sandstone under freeze–thaw cycle [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2021,28(3): 954-967.
- [10]李杰林, 喻晓丽, 黄冲红, 周科平, 程春龙.高温矿井掘进工作面冰块降温数值模拟研究.中国安全生产科学技术, 2021, 17 (8) : 97-103.
- [11]李杰林,杨承业,彭朝智,周科平,刘锐凯.三维激光扫描技术在地下巷道岩体结构面识别的应用,黄金科学技术,2021,29(2):236-244
- [12]黄冲红,李杰林,喻晓丽,张希. 大红山铜矿西矿段热害分析与人工制冷方案研究[J].现代矿业,2020,11:228-230
- [13]李杰林,高乐,陈杰,周科平. 地下矿山缓倾斜多层矿体协同开采设计实践[J]. 金属矿山,2020,5:50-54
- [14]李杰林,杨承业,胡远,周科平,张孝平,刘锐凯.无人机三维激光扫描技术在地下采空区探测中的应用研究[J]. 金属矿山,2020,12:168-172
- [15]Yun Lin, Keping Zhou, Jielin Li*, Bo Ke, Rugao Gao. Weakening Laws of Mechanical Properties of Sandstone Under the Effect of Chemical Corrosion[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020,53:1857-1877
- [16]Jielin Li, Rennie B. Kaunda, Shrey Arora, Philipp Hartlieb, Priscilla P. Nelson. Fully-coupled simulations of thermally-induced cracking in pegmatite due to microwave irradiation[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2019,2,242-250
- [17]李杰林,朱龙胤,周科平,刘汉文,曹善鹏.冻融作用下砂岩孔隙结构损伤特征研究[J].岩土力学,2019,40(09):3524-3532
- [18]Jielin Li, Rennie B. Kuanda, Keping Zhou. Experimental investigations on the effects of ambient freeze-thaw cycling on dynamic properties and rock pore structure deterioration of sandstone[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018,154:133-141
- [19]李杰林,刘汉文.冻融循环作用下砂岩孔隙体积变形模型的建立与分析[J]. 冰川冻土,2018,40(6):1173-1180
- [20]Jielin Li, Keping Zhou, Weijie Liu, Yamin Zhang. Analysis of the effect of freeze–thaw cycles on the degradation of mechanical parameters and slope stability[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018,77(2):573-580
Jielin Li

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