Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中南大学
Journal Publications
Haiyan He, Li L*, Xi Chen, Lingyun Tian, Yanfang Long, Ning Yang, Siyuan Tang.Perceived patient safety culture and its associated factors among clinical managers of tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional survey.BMC Nursing, 2023, 22: 329.
Liumei Luo, Li L*, Xi Chen, Huifang Xie, Jiaquan Zhou.Development and evaluation of a rehabilitation training compliance scale for patients with urinary incontinence.BMC Nursing, 2023, 22: 147.
Chen X, Li L*, Zeng Y, Jiang L, Tian L, Yi J, He H, Li F, Long Y.Assessing emergency department nurses’ ability to communicate with angry patients and the factors that influence it.Frontiers in Public Health, 2023
Chen X, Li L*, Luo L, Jiang L, Shi L, Yang L, Zeng Y, Li F.Development of the nurse's communication ability with angry patients scale and evaluation of its psychometric properties.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2021, 77 (6) : 2700-2708.
Jiang L, Li L*, Lommel L.Nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to pressure injury prevention: A large-scale cross-sectional survey in mainland China.Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2020
Luo LM, Li L*, Guo M, Chen X, Lin YZ, Wu DY.Genetic variation in NRG 1 gene and risk of post-traumatic stress disorders in patients with hepatocellular carcinom.Guo M, Chen X, Lin YZ, Wu DY, 2020
彭静, 李丽*, 贺海燕, hujianzhong, 龙艳芳, 王海涛.医养服务机构质量评价指标体系的构建与初步应用.湖南中医药大学学报, 2024, 44 (2) : 332-337.
李芳, 李丽*, 黄伟红, hujianzhong, 龙艳芳, 李靖, 贺海燕, 曾玉婷.年人医养服务需求量化评估指标体系的构建与验证.中南大学学报(医学版), 2023, 48 (2) : 231-241.
龙艳芳, 李丽*, yangli, Weiru Zhang, 周建辉.获得性易栓症合并全身多发皮损患者的症状管理.中华急危重症护理杂志, 2022, 3 (3) : 235-237.
李丽, 蒋玲, 曾玉婷, 陈熙, liyinglan, 范学工.长沙市三级综合医院护士压力性损伤护理行为现状.中南大学学报(医学版), 2020, 45 (6) : 722-732.
陈熙, 李丽*, 时刘敏, yangli, 蒋玲, 曾玉婷, 李芳, 杨慧娟, 郭芝华.长沙市城区居民伤害预防态度与行为现状研究.中国实用护理杂志, 2020, 26 (29) : 4038-4042.
yangli, 李丽*, 龙艳芳, 陈熙, 时刘敏, 蒋玲.258名新入职护士职业认同现状调查及影响因素分析.中华现代护理杂志, 2020, 36 (27) : 2099-2105.
李丽, 钱招昕, panpinhua, 黄燕, 王青霞, 邓桂元, 曾玉婷.新型冠状病毒肺炎隔离病区医务人员职业风险与防控对策.中国感染控制杂志, 2020, 19 (7) : 1-4.
李芳, 李丽*, 李靖, 龙艳芳, yangli.国外养老服务综合评估工具的应用现状与启示.护理研究杂志, 2020, 34 (09) : 1546-1551.
陈熙, 李丽*, 蒋玲, yangli, 时刘敏, 郭芝华.护患沟通能力评价量表的研究进展.中国护理管理, 2019, 19 (8) : 1270-1275.
时刘敏, 李丽*, 陈熙, yangli.长沙市社区护士灾害准备度调查研究.中华现代护理杂志, 2019, 25 (17) : 2150-2154.
曾玉婷, 李丽*, 粟艳, 李芳, 时刘敏, 鄢斌, 龙艳芳.加速康复外科围术期肺部并发症干预策略研究进展.护理学杂志, 2019, 34 (14) : 109-113.
曾玉婷, 李丽*, 李芳, 时刘敏, 鄢斌.老年患者术后肺部并发症早期识别及护理干预研究进展.中华护理杂志, 2019, 54 (7) : 1102-1107.