2011-2014年于英国南安普顿大学进行了为期三年的博士后研究(博士后导师:英国皇家工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士Prof. K.H. Luo),2014年6月加入中南大学,2018年9月破格晋升为教授。
主要从事太阳能热利用、相变传热强化及芯片冷却技术、新型动力循环系统及储能技术、复杂流动与传热的介观方法及其应用等领域的研究工作,出版学术著作2部,获获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第3)、湖南省自然科学二等奖(排名第1)、湖南省首届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(排名第1)、国家太阳能光热产业技术创新战略联盟太阳能热利用技术创新大赛二等奖(排名第1)等奖励;在国际著名权威期刊Progress in Energy and Combustion Science、Advanced Functional Materials、Small Science、Chemical Engineering Journal、Applied Energy、Energy Conversion and Management、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Applied Thermal Engineering等期刊上发表SCI论文130余篇,其研究成果已被美国、英国、德国、法国、加拿大、意大利、瑞士、瑞典、荷兰、新加坡、韩国等全球数十个国家和地区的同行学者在相关研究中直接采用或应用350多篇次,论文及著作已被国内外学者引用7700多次(Google Scholar)。
[1] Y. Yang, H. Feng, W. Que, Y. Qiu, Y. Li, L. Guo, Q. Li*. A Diode-like Scalable Asymmetric Solar Evaporator with Ultra-high Salt Resistance. Advanced Functional Materials, 33, 2210972 (2023).
[2] X. Z. Sun, Q. Li*, W. X. Li, Z. X. Wen, B. Liu. Enhanced pool boiling on microstructured surfaces with spatially-controlled mixed wettability. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 183, 122164 (2022).
[3] Y. Qiu, Y. C. Xu, Q. Li*, J. K. Wang, Q. L. Wang, B. Liu. Efficiency enhancement of a solar trough collector by combining solar and hot mirrors. Applied Energy, 299, 117290 (2021).
[4] J. K. Wang, Y. Qiu*, Q. Li*, M. P. Xu, X. D. Wei. Design and experimental study of a 30 kWe adjustable solar simulator delivering high and uniform flux. Applied Thermal Engineering, 195, 117215 (2021).
[5] Y. Yu, Q. Li*, Y. Qiu, R. Z. Huang. Bubble dynamics and dry spot formation during boiling on a hierarchical structured surface: A lattice Boltzmann study. Physics of Fluids, 33(8), 083306 (2021).
[6] S. Tang, Q. Li*, Y. Yu, Y. Qiu. Enhancing dropwise condensation on downward-facing surfaces through the synergistic effects of surface structure and mixed wettability. Physics of Fluids, 33(8), 083301 (2021).
[7] Y. Qiu, Y. T. Zhang, Q. Li*, Y. C. Xu, Z. X. Wen. A novel parabolic trough receiver enhanced by integrating a transparent aerogel and wing-like mirrors. Applied Energy, 279, 115810 (2020).
[8] Z. X. Wen, Y. G. Lv, Q. Li*, P. Zhou. Numerical study on heat transfer behavior of wavy channel supercritical CO2 printed circuit heat exchangers with different amplitude and wavelength parameters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 147, 118922 (2020).
[9] Q. Li*, Y. Yu, K. H. Luo. Implementation of contact angles in pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann simulations with curved boundaries. Physical Review E, 100, 053313 (2019).
[10] Q. Li, K. H. Luo*, Q. J. Kang, Y. L. He, Q. Chen, Q. Liu. Lattice Boltzmann methods for multiphase flow and phase-change heat transfer. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (Impact Factor: 35.34), 52, 62-105 (2016).
[1] 2006.9-2011.3
西安交通大学 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业
[2] 2002.9-2006.7
西安交通大学 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业
[1] 2018.9-至今
[2] 2014.6-2018.9
[3] 2011.5-2014.5
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