Research Projects
- [1]气道上皮外泌体增强RSV感染后Th2型炎症反应诱导哮喘急性加重
- [2]气道上皮整合素β4缺陷参与哮喘气道重塑及其机制
- [3]DNA氧化—甲基化耦联调控哮喘气道上皮整合素β4低表达机制研究
- [4]氯离子在气道上皮应激中的早期信号分子作用研究
- [5]主动超分子组装技术调控气道上皮免疫定式切换
- [6]气道上皮主动超分子组装调控气道上皮免疫应答反应
- [7]Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province:Study on correlation between integrin β4 defects and airway epithelial homeostasis and asthma parthenogenesis,刘持,立项时间:2013-09-01,结项时间:2016-09-01.
- [8]Natural Science Foundation of China:Intrgrin β4 defects induce the switch of immune responce on airway epithelial cells,秦晓群,立项时间:2011-03-01
- [9]Natural Science Foundation of China:Construction mice model with conditional deletion of integrin β4 on airway epithelial cells,刘持,立项时间:2011-09-01
- [10]中国博士后面上项目:The relationship between integrin b4 defects and airway epithelial immune responce,刘持,立项时间:2012-06-01
- [11]Central South University:Airway epithelial microenvironment in the development of lung disease,刘持,立项时间:2011-09-01
- [12]Central South University:Construction asthma susceptibility mouse model by conditional knockout of integrin beta 4,刘持,立项时间:2013-03-01
- [13]National 973 Project Fund Committee:Study on cellular and molecular mechanisms of regeneration of vital tissues and organs in severe trauma,秦晓群,立项时间:2013-03-01
- [14]Natural Science Foundation of China:Probing the roles of BRAP in tuning the activation threshold of bronchial epithelial cells to trigger airway immune responses,瞿湘萍,立项时间:2015-09-01
- [15] Natural Science Foundation of China:The mechanism of CTNNAL1 in regulating bronchial epithelium cells stress protection,向阳,立项时间:2012-09-01
- [16]肺微环境粘附分子谱对气道上皮/间质修复平衡点调控,秦晓群
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Chi Liu
