Weizheng Liu, Minglei Shi, Linchang Miao, Linrong Xu, Dingwen Zhang. Constitutive modeling of the destructuration and anisotropy of natural soft clay [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013,51: 24-41
Pre One:Xiaoming Liu, Weizheng Liu (通讯作者), Shaopeng Wu, Cui Wang. Effect of carbon fillers on electrical and road properties of conductive asphalt materials [J]. Construction and building materials, 2014, 68:301-306
Next One:刘维正,谭际鸣,伍军,尧俊凯,黄轩嘉,郜凤龙.不同型式无砟轨道-路基 结构伤损对车轨动态性能的影响.铁道学报. https://link.cnki.net/urlid/11.2104.u.20241227.0845.002