Journal Publications
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Journal Publications
[1]Weizheng Liu, Minglei Shi, Linchang Miao, Linrong Xu, Dingwen Zhang. Constitutive modeling of the destructuration and anisotropy of natural soft clay [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013,51: 24-41
[2]Xiaoming Liu, Weizheng Liu (通讯作者), Shaopeng Wu, Cui Wang. Effect of carbon fillers on electrical and road properties of conductive asphalt materials [J]. Construction and building materials, 2014, 68:301-306
[3]Weizheng Liu, Shuai Qu, Zhihong Nie, Junhui Zhang. Effects of density and moisture variation on dynamic deformation properties of compacted lateritic soil [J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016,3: 1-11
[4]Weizheng Liu,Shuai Qu,Hao Zhang,Zhihong Nie,An integratedmethod foranalyzing load transfer ingeosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported embankment,KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2017,21(3),687-702
[5]Weizheng Liu, Zhiguo Shi, Junhui Zhang, Dingwen Zhang. One-dimensional nonlinear consolidation behavior of structured soft clay under time-dependent loading [J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2019, 18(3): 299-313
[6]Junhui Zhang, Junhui Peng, Weizheng Liu, Weihua Lu . Predicting resilient modulus of fine-grained subgrade soils considering relative compaction and matric suction, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2021, 22(3): 703-715.
[7]Liu Weizheng, Li Tianxiong, Wan Jiale. Deformation Characteristic of a Supported Deep Excavation System: A Case Study in Red Sandstone Stratum, Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 129. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12010129
[8]Liu Weizheng, Sun Kang, Lu Weihua, Zhang Junhui, Zhang Yongxing, Yang Bo. An Iterative Computing Method for Load Effect of Bidirectional Reinforced Embankment,KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(5): 2077-2088
[9]Weizheng Liu, Xuanjia Huang, Xuemao Feng, Zhi Xie. Compaction and bearing characteristics of untreated and treated lateritic soils with varying moisture content, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 392:131893
[10]刘维正,石名磊,徐林荣. 考虑软黏土结构性损伤的圆柱孔扩张弹塑性分析[J].岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(3): 487-494
[11]刘维正,石名磊,缪林昌. 天然沉积饱和粘土渗透系数试验研究与预测模型[J].岩土力学, 2013, 34(9): 2501-2507
[12]左珅,刘维正(通讯作者),张瑞坤,张浩,张军辉. 路堤荷载下刚柔长短桩复合地基承载特性研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2014, 49(3): 379-385
[13]刘维正,徐林荣,左珅,刘长虹,陈鹏飞. 桩筏地基加固对紧邻既有线路基的影响[J]. 交通运输工程学报,2015, 15(3):16-26
[14]刘维正,瞿帅,章定文,徐林荣. 循环荷载下人工结构性土变形与强度特性试验研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(6): 1691-1697
[15]刘维正,瞿帅,张军辉. 天然沉积结构性黏土原位压缩规律及预测模型研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(S1): 101-108
[16]瞿帅, 刘维正(通讯作者), 聂志红. 长期循环荷载下人工结构性软土累积变形规律及预测模型[J]. 工程地质学报, 2017, 25(4): 975-984
[17]刘维正,石志国,章定文,瞿帅.交通荷载作用下结构性软土地基长期沉降计算[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2018,48(4): 726-735
[18]刘维正,曾奕珺,姚永胜,张军辉. 含水率变化下压实路基土动态回弹模量试验研究与预估模型[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(1): 1-9
[19]陈维家; 刘维正(通讯作者), 林震宇. 真空-堆载预压联合管桩-土工格室在堆场深厚软基处理中的应用, 铁道科学与工程学报, 2020, 17(7): 1699-1709
[20]刘维正,葛孟源,李天雄. 南沙海相软土工程特性原位测试对比与统计规律分析,岩土工程学报,2021,43(S2): 267-275
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